Calciomercato Napoli, maxi offer for Insigne: 7 million a year from Toronto

by time news

Napoli, Insigne courted by Toronto (MLS)

Seven million euros per season. This is the maxi offer with which Toronto wants to convince Lorenzo Insigne to move overseas, to become the new star of the MLS, the US championship in which the Canadian franchise also participates.

The Napoli captain is now at loggerheads with Aurelio De Laurentiis With the contract expiring, the negotiations for the renewal have stalled in front of the wall against the wall: the player wants an annual salary of 5 million, while the Neapolitan company has stopped at 3.5 plus bonuses. Hence the prospect, now very concrete, that this is the last Neapolitan season of the European champion, Neapolitan by birth and captain of the team. Indeed, having the contract expiring in June, Insigne would be authorized as early as next January sign the new agreement with the team for which he will play in the next championship.

The other options in Europe

Canada is only one of the possibilities, albeit by far the richest. In the past theInter he courted him and continues to follow the story with interest. One of his great admirers was and is Antonio Conte, a situation that also keeps alive a possible track linked to Tottenham. Then there is the Roma by Josè Mourinho, with whom the agent Vincenzo Pisacane is keeping very close contacts.

There are also those who hope that Insigne will extend his agreement with Napoli at the last moment: it is Zdenek Zeman, who was mentor of the attacker in and who knows the Neapolitan square well, having worked there. However, the arguments put on the plate by Toronto seem very convincing and the thirty-year-old really seems to be on the verge of leaving Italy.

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