Calculate your retirement age before and after the reform

by time news

One of the main measures of the pension reform project defended by the government consists in pushing back from 62 to 64 the legal age of departure. But other parameters will be modified, such as the acceleration of the transition to forty-three years of contribution to obtain a full pension, as well as adjustments according to particular situations (long careers, disability, etc.).

Read also: Demonstration of January 31 against the pension reform: after a record day of mobilization, the unions will demonstrate again on February 7 and 11

How will this reform affect you? Depending on your year of birth and your family and professional situation, the calculator below allows you to estimate at what age you can retire.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: winners and losers, in nine practical cases

This tool is only a simulator intended to show the general contours of the reform, based on the bill presented on January 10, and the first adjustments already announced by the government. Some measures are still likely during the debate in Parliament.

Furthermore, specific situations may not have been taken into account, such as that of people who have had careers between the public service and the private sector, or those of liberals, traders and craftsmen who contribute to specific pension funds.

Update February 6: modification of the simulation after the announcement by Elisabeth Borne on the extension of the long career scheme to people who started their career between the ages of 20 and 21.

Read also: Pension reform: understanding the content and the issues in 26 questions

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