California Privacy Agency Drafts Regulations on Automated Decision Making Technology (ADMT) and Consumer Rights

by time news

2023-11-30 08:16:37
California Privacy Agency Releases Draft Regulations on Automated Decision Making Technology

The California Privacy Protection Agency has released draft regulations on Automated Decision Making Technology (ADMT) this week, intended for discussion by the agency’s board of directors for approval for publication for public comments during the month of December.

The regulations provide a broad definition of what constitutes automated decision-making technology, including systems that use artificial intelligence, machine learning, statistics, or data processing to evaluate information to help humans make decisions about various issues.

The regulations consist of three main parts: the duty of businesses to notify consumers of the use of such technology, the right of consumers to withdraw their consent to the use of this technology for making decisions about them, and the right of consumers to access information about the technology and its application, including the data on which the technology was based in making decisions. The draft regulations also refer to the use of such technology to create profiles of children under the age of 16.

In addition to the requirement to provide consumers with information about the use of technology and their rights, there are also exceptions to these obligations, such as using technology to detect fraudulent or illegal operations or using technology for security purposes. However, businesses must inform consumers why they cannot request the withdrawal of their consent to use the technology or why they cannot request access to information.

The release of these draft regulations marks a significant step in the regulation of automated decision-making technology in California, with potential implications for businesses and consumers alike. The agency is expected to seek feedback from the public on these draft regulations during the comment period in December.
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