Call for New Participants: 10th Registration Round for the ‘Minato SDGs Partner Registration System’ Now Open

by time news

Recruitment for the 10th New Registration of the “Minato SDGs Partner Registration System”

September 30, 2024

We have started accepting applications for the 10th new registration of the “Minato SDGs Partner Registration System,” established in July 2022.

In recent years, initiatives contributing to the achievement of the SDGs have become important for enhancing corporate value and strengthening competitiveness.
Among port-related companies and organizations, including port transportation operators and port construction contractors (hereafter referred to as “port-related enterprises”),
the momentum for promoting these initiatives is growing.
In light of this, we established the “Minato SDGs Partner Registration System” to further promote initiatives contributing to the achievement of the SDGs by port-related enterprises nationwide, regardless of the region, and
ultimately to contribute to the enhancement of the attractiveness and sustainable development of Japan’s ports and port-related enterprises.
As a result of the previous nine recruitment rounds, a total of 325 enterprises have registered.
We are now accepting applications for the 10th registration as outlined below, and we look forward to active applications from port-related enterprises.

Overview of the System: As per Appendix 1

Eligible Applicants: Enterprises, corporations, organizations, and individual business owners engaged in business activities related to the development, use, conservation, management, and operation of ports,

                 who are implementing or have the willingness to implement initiatives towards achieving the SDGs.

Application Period: July 1, 2024 (Monday) to August 30, 2024 (Friday), until 23:59 of the date of arrival.

Application Method: Download the necessary documents for application from the port bureau’s website, fill in the required information, and then apply.

                Necessary Documents for Application:

                (Form 1) Application Form for Minato SDGs Partner Registration

                (Form 2) Specific Initiatives Towards Achieving the SDGs

                (Form 3) Letter of Commitment

                Application Method and Submission:

                  Please apply via email to the following address.

                    [email protected]

                   (Please set the email subject to “Application for Minato SDGs Partner Registration.”)

Notes: For details on submission methods, please refer to the website below. It includes various forms, examples, a Q&A section, and reference information such as case studies of organizations’ initiatives.

                    By being registered, you will receive a registration certificate, permission to use the logo mark, and an introduction of your initiatives on the authority’s website.

                    This is expected to result in effective PR to stakeholders and motivate employees.

                    (For the logo mark, please refer to Appendix 2.)


Contact Information

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Port Bureau Technical Planning Division, Asami, Isogai

TEL: 03-5253-8111
(Extension 46541) Direct 03-5253-8905

Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Port Bureau Port Economy Division, Ueno, Honda, Sakamoto

TEL: 03-5253-8111
(Extension 46802) Direct 03-5253-8629

Call for New Participants: 10th Registration Round for the ‘Minato SDGs Partner Registration System’ Now Open

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