Call for the preparation of the market study for the “Solution for the management of information backups of the Ministry of Public Health” – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

The Ministry of Public Health, through the Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies, summons national providers to participate in the process of elaboration of the Market Study for the “SOLUTION FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF INFORMATION SUPPORT OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTH ”.

This market study will be used to define the referential budget prior to the publication of the acquisition process.

The referential price of the goods must consider the following aspects:

  • Compliance with the requested technical specifications as specified in Annex-1 – Technical Specifications
  • The factory warranty for 5 years according to what is indicated in Annex-1–Technical Specifications
  • Preventive maintenance must be twice a year per equipment for the useful life of the goods (5 years), as stated in Annex-1-Technical Specifications
  • The prices quoted must be in DDP value (named place of destination within the buyer’s country), including all customs duties and taxes;
  • The delivery conditions of the goods must be on site (Data Center designated by the MSP), for which the cost of the good includes (transportation to the place of final destination, insurance, customs clearance costs);
  • You must include the unit cost of each good;
  • The validity of the quote must not be less than 120 days;
  • The financing for the acquisition of this technological equipment comes from the resources of the credit operation 4364/OC-EC entered into by the Government of Ecuador with the Inter-American Development Bank, for which reason the bidders must belong to the member countries of the IDB.
  • Payments will be one hundred percent (100%) against delivery plus VAT of the price offered for the goods, which will be paid once it is made:
    • Delivery of the equipment object of the contract;
    • Installation, configuration and commissioning of equipment as required by the MSP, knowledge transfer;
    • Presentation of the technical report of the DTIC on the operation of the equipment, report to the satisfaction of the transfer of knowledge received;
    • Delivery of technical documentation (technical manuals) related to the equipment and its installation, configuration and start-up.
    • Report of the contract administrator which expresses the conformity of the delivery and operation of the equipment;
    • Presentation of the Act of delivery-reception of the installed goods;
    • Delivery of the respective invoice by the contractor.
  • Preventive maintenance: during the technological validity of the equipment, that is, 5 years from the signing of the certificate of delivery and reception of the equipment, maintenance will be carried out every six months, that is, twice a year for each piece of equipment. Payments for maintenance will be made against satisfactory delivery of the services received, these costs will be financed with current expenditure resources charged to the regular budget of the DTIC.
  • The total term for the execution of the contract will be 110 calendar days, counted from the day after the signing of the contract, divided as follows: 90 calendar days for the delivery of the goods, 20 days for the installation, configuration and commissioning of equipment
  • Quotations must be sent in digital format (signed), to the institutional emails: [email protected] and [email protected] with the subject: SOLUTION QUOTE FOR INFORMATION BACKUP MANAGEMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF PUBLIC HEALTHuntil March 3, 2023 at 5:00 p.m., with the following information:

Bidder data:

Business name:
Form of payment: one hundred percent (100%) against delivery plus VAT of the price offered for the goods, which will be paid once it is made:

  • Delivery of the equipment object of the contract;
  • Installation, configuration and commissioning of equipment as required by the MSP, knowledge transfer;
  • Presentation of the technical report of the DTIC on the operation of the equipment, report to the satisfaction of the transfer of knowledge received;
  • Delivery of technical documentation (technical manuals) related to the equipment and its installation, configuration and start-up.
  • Report of the contract administrator which expresses the conformity of the delivery and operation of the equipment;
  • Presentation of the Act of delivery-reception of the installed goods;
  • Delivery of the respective invoice by the contractor.

Execution period: 110 calendar days.
Offer issuance date:
Offer validity: (must not be less than 120 days)

Preferably electronically signed liability signature in QR format, for which it is suggested to use the FIRMAEC application

Data of the contracting party:
On behalf of: Ministry of Public Health
RUC: 1760001120001
Address: Quito, Av. Quitumbe Road and Av. Amaru Ñan, Governmental Platform for Social Development. Phone: 593-2 381-4400 ext. 4008

Quotation Presentation Format:
Economic proposal:


Note: The hours of Specialized Technical Support Channel and the Transfer of Knowledge have no additional cost for the MSP.


Attach to the quote compliance with the technical specifications, in the format (If Compliant). Example:

Note: Column “OFFERED” You must place the compliance specifications and/or “If it complies” and/or additional compliance observations.

List of eligible countries
List of member countries when financing comes from the Inter-American Development Bank: Germany, Argentina, Austria, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, El Salvador, Finland, France, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Netherlands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Slovenia, Spain, United States , Dominican Republic, People’s Republic of China, Sweden, Switzerland, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

Eligible Territories
Guadeloupe, French Guyana, Martinique, Reunion – as they are Departments of France. US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam – for being Territories of the United States of America. Aruba – for being a Constituent Country of the Kingdom of the Netherlands; and Bonaire, Curaçao, Sint Maarten, Sint Eustatius – as they are Departments of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Hong Kong – as a Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.

PDF call

Annex 1 – Technical Specifications

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