Call for the Recognition of Merit in Nursing 2023

by time news
  • The Recognition of Merit in Nursing is aimed at all people in this field who have excelled in Mexico.
  • According to the National Occupation and Employment Survey (ENOE) there are 620 thousand people dedicated to the provision of paid nursing services.
  • Women represent 79% of this profession and men 21%.

The role of health professionals is necessary and fundamental for any country. At the same time, it is a union with strong competition and where continuous improvement is always sought. With this in mind, to reward the people with the best performance within their field, the call for the Recognition of Merit in Nursing 2023.

This initiative is promoted by the General Health Council. Health institutions, higher education, academies, scientific societies, councils, professional groups, academics in the health area in general are requested to present the candidacies of those who, in their opinion, have prominent in the field of nursing.

Categories of the Recognition of Merit in Nursing 2023


It will be awarded to the person whose labor of Nursing be recognized for its leadership in quality care, technical skills at bedside, providing effective and relevant services to the individual, family and communities, humanism and dedication to the training of new generations, as well as for its transcendental social contributions in in favor of the health of the population and the consolidation of its institutions.


It will be awarded to the person whose work in the Nursing Distinguished for outstanding academic merit, contribution to evidence-based nursing practice research, actions required for good service delivery, and
technological innovation, managerial decision-making and his outstanding work in the field of teaching that has favored progress in nursing practice.


It will be awarded to the person whose work in the Nursing is distinguished for its contributions made to improve the quality of nursing services, lead the development and implementation of individualized care plans, new and innovative care models, comprehensive care and based on policies and plans for health institutions in which hospital units of the National Health System.

Bases of the prize to participate

  • The proposals of the candidates must be endorsed by the Institution that presents them, through a letter addressed to the person in charge of the Secretary of the General Health Council. In said letter, with a maximum extension of one page, they must state precisely the reasons or motives that support the application of the candidacy, specify which award they are applying for, as well as the statement that there is no relationship of kinship or conflict of interest of some kind with the candidate.
  • The candidates must verify that, throughout their professional life, they have distinguished themselves by their recognized dedication to service; dedication to the training of generations of nursing professionals; important scientific, technological and social contributions in favor of nursing and the consolidation of its institutions, in accordance with the provisions of the award for which they are applying.
  • Self-applications are not allowed.
  • In order to encourage the new generations, priority will be given to those applications that have not been awarded an award, decoration or recognition that is granted through the General Health Council, over those that have obtained it.

To send the application, you must choose ONE of the following options:

a) VIA EMAIL: [email protected]
b) PRINTED FORM. In the office of parts of the General Health Council, located in Homero no. 213, PB, Col. Chapultepec Morales, Miguel Hidalgo Mayor’s Office, CP 11570, Mexico City, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., accompanying the application letter, the information on a USB, in PDF format, No file restriction.

In both cases you must present the following documentation:

A. Letter of application (one page in pdf format)
B. Profile (one page in pdf format)
C. Curriculum Vitae (pdf)
D. Evidence documents of everything described in the
CV (pdf)
E. General Format (Excel) described in the Application Guide.

If any of the indicated requirements are not met, the applications will not be accepted.

Criteria to be evaluated: academic training, human resources training activities in health, continuing education, research and publications, throughout the candidate’s entire professional life.


The Committee for the Granting of Nursing Merit Recognitions, taking into account the probative documentation, will analyze and designate the people who are creditors of the Recognitions. The decision of the Committee will be final.

Each award will consist of a diploma and an amount in cash that will be delivered during the ceremony to commemorate National Nursing Day, on May 12 of the current year.

Also read:

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Internal changes: This is the new WHO Director of Nursing

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