Call Notice – SPFC

by time news

In order to comply with the provisions of item “a” of article 63 of the Bylaws, I call the Members of the DELIBERATIVE BOARD to the EXTRAORDINARY MEETING to be held on April 13, 2023, Thursday, at 6:30 pm on first call and at 7:00 pm on second call, pursuant to article 66 of the Bylaws, meeting by electronic/virtual means, guaranteeing the possibility that all Board Members participate, in order to comply with the order of the day listed below.

Extraordinary reunion

1. Overture – Hymn.

2. Appreciation and Voting of the financial transactions entered into by the Executive Board, in accordance with Article 58 of the Bylaws: (CI. No. 12/2023), Banco Rendimento SA; (CI. No. 13/2023), Banco Daycoval S/A.; (CI. No. 15/2023), Banco Rendimento SA

Note: These documents will remain available on the Deallink virtual system (dataroom) whose instructions for use have been sent to the Directors’ e-mails and will also remain available for consultation at the Boards’ Secretariat.


1. This meeting will be held electronically/virtually, through the Zoom videoconferencing platform (electronic address

2. The meeting will start at 6:30 pm on April 13, 2023, on first call, and if there is no statutory number of participants, it will wait until 7:00 pm.

3. The Secretariat of Councils will send the link to access the meeting to the e-mail address of the Councilor in the Secretariat’s register, on April 11, 2023. If it is necessary to update the e-mail address, the Board Member must inform the Board Secretariat of this situation by 5:00 pm on April 10, 2023, provided that the Board will respond to the request by forwarding the session link to the new registered email address.

4. To access the meeting, the Board member must identify himself by correctly filling in the data requested by the videoconferencing platform on its entry screen.

5. During the entire duration of the meeting, the Director’s equipment must have the front camera enabled and unobstructed. The Director who does not observe this rule will be excluded from the virtual room. The Board Members’ microphones will be disabled during the meeting, being only enabled at the appropriate time by the Board of the Board, in case of manifestation of the parties presented.

6. Admission to the meeting will be restricted to members of the Deliberative Council, in addition to SPFC employees or agents summoned at the discretion of the Board of the Council to carry out activities in support of the meeting. The availability of access to non-members of the Deliberative Council will imply the immediate establishment of an ethical disciplinary procedure against the Director who does not observe this rule.

7. The Directors are solely responsible for the costs of equipment, signal and connection, as well as their quality, and São Paulo Futebol Clube is not responsible for technical problems that make it impossible to participate fully or partially in the meeting.


1. Members may, until 1:00 pm on April 10, 2023, send the following requests to the Secretariat of Councils, via email: [email protected]:

a) In relation to Item 2 on the Agenda: requests for clarification related to said topic, will be forwarded to the Executive Board, and such response will be sent to the requesting Director by 5:00 pm on April 13, 2023 Clarification requests must be objective, succinct and exclusively address the issue at hand. Clarification requests that do not deal with the item under discussion will be disregarded.

b) For the use of the floor via the Zoom videoconferencing platform, the Director must register by 5:00 p.m. on April 13, 2023, as well as formulate a point of order or asides, during the meeting via the platform chat.


1. On April 13, 2023, from 10:00 pm to 5:00 pm on April 14, 2023, all Members of the Deliberative Council will receive the link by E-mail and SMS and will be able to vote through of the new São Paulo Futebol Clube electronic voting system, “Sistema de Votação Aberta Online”. On the Link, follow the instructions, entering the password that will be sent and the first four digits of your CPF.

2. The voting result will be forwarded electronically to the Directors via e-mail and made available on the Data Room Deallink platform.

São Paulo, April 5, 2023


President of the Deliberative Council

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