Camaïeu: Michel Ohayon and Wilhelm Hubner, the duo behind the fall of the sign

by time news

July 5, 2021. It’s been more than a month since Camaïeu, bought a year earlier by businessman Michel Ohayon, fell victim to a cyberattack. The website is blocked. Impossible to use telephones, printers, to know the state of stocks in store. The concern rises. However, Michel Ohayon, who heads the Financière immobilière bordelaise (FIB), and Wilhelm Hubner, who chairs Hermione People & Brands (HBP), the distribution branch of the FIB and as such pilot of Camaïeu, decide to maintain the Fun Day and creativity at the headquarters in Roubaix (North). Games, stalls, pancakes, giant barbecue, dance session with part of the Dancing with the Stars team, nightclub atmosphere and DJ… It’s party time.

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