Cambodia reveals that the bird flu that killed an 11-year-old boy is the same strain that was previously in the outbreak : PPTVHD36

by time news

Cambodia says bird flu that killed an 11-year-old girl was the same strain that had spread. While the results of close contact examination The latest is all negative.

Cambodia’s Department of Disease Control said H5N1 avian influenza virus that killed an 11-year-old girl in Prey Veng Province It is a subspecies that had endemic in the country several years earlier. Unlike species found in other parts of the world, the agency will investigate the disease. And continue to follow up with people who are in close contact with the patient. by until now Human-to-human transmission of H5N1 avian influenza has not been reported.

Cambodia confirms second case of avian influenza in the country

Livestock raised the level of surveillance of “bird flu” after deaths from neighboring countries were found.

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However, Cambodia’s Department of Disease Control still advises people to avoid direct contact with sick poultry. or poultry carcasses to prevent the spread

While yesterday (February 26), the Ministry of Health of Cambodia revealed that Cambodia no longer has a case of bird flu in the country. by the results of the girl’s father’s confirmation which was previously found to be infected It is now negative. Likewise, 25 other close contacts also tested negative.

side Dr. Anant Chongkaewwatana, Director of Animal Health Innovation and Management Research Group Biotech-NSTDA. A Facebook post provides additional information about the subspecies of the avian influenza virus found in Cambodia. that it is an endemic species of the country and is different from H5N1 found in mammals such as mink or seals and poultry around the world which is substrain, indicating that there are currently at least two substrains of H5N1 in different regions.

The genetic code for the H5N1 virus found in a Cambodian girl has been released in a centralized database available to researchers worldwide. Luckily, Cambodia has the virological network of the French Institute of Pasteur. Makes virus decryption very fast Compared to the bird flu epidemic ten years ago

The death toll from bird flu in Cambodia has prompted neighboring countries to step up their vigilance for the bird flu outbreak. Issued warnings to local governments in the southern regions of the country. which borders Cambodia Raise the level of surveillance of imported chicken. including those traveling from Prey Veng Province in Cambodia

For Vietnam, the first case of H1N1 avian influenza was detected in eight years in October last year, but the patient has recovered.

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