Cameroon: A Chadian student brutally murdered in Dschang – 2024-04-18 21:04:45

by times news cr

2024-04-18 21:04:45

The Cameroon is in shock after the macabre discovery of the lifeless body of Togoum Pharell, Chadian student enrolled in Master 2 in geology at the University of Dschang. According to exclusive information obtained by, the young man was the victim of a murder of rare violence, casting a harsh light on the growing insecurity in the country.

A heinous crime that arouses indignation

It was in a bush near his place of study that the martyred corpse of Togoum Pharell was found. If the exact circumstances of the tragedy remain to be clarified, the state of the body leaves little doubt about the criminal nature of his death.

« The injuries present on Pharel’s remains clearly indicate that the young man is the victim of a despicable crime., confided on condition of anonymity a source close to the investigation. A gratuitous brutality that arouses fear and incomprehension within the university community and beyond.

The University of Dschang, a grieving campus

On the Dschang campus, there is consternation. Students, teachers, staff… All find it hard to believe that such a tragedy could have occurred within the confines of their establishment, known until now for its tranquility.

« Pharel was a brilliant student, appreciated by everyone. His kindness, his seriousness were recognized by everyone. It’s an absolute tragedy, we are all devastated“, testifies one of his classmates, his voice choked with emotion.

Beyond the pain, there is also a feeling of insecurity that is growing among the student community. If even the university is no longer a sanctuary, where can we still feel safe?

The Chadian community demands justice

For Chadian nationals from Cameroon, this murder has a particularly bitter taste. Already faced with an often precarious situation, they see in this heinous crime a cruel symbol of their vulnerability.

« Pharel had left everything to come study here, to build his future. And this is how he is thanked? By an atrocious death, amid general indifference?“, protests Mahamat, member of a Chadian student association.

Beyond the pain, the Chadian community demands answers and above all, justice. The consular authorities of Chad have already indicated that they are following the case very closely, expecting the Cameroonian authorities to shed light on this crime and bring the perpetrators to justice.

Insecurity, the scourge that plagues Cameroon

But beyond the legitimate emotion, this drama above all highlights the nagging problem of insecurity which is gnawing away at Cameroon. Assaults, thefts, murders… Crime continues to increase, without the public authorities seeming able to stem the phenomenon.

« A whole climate of violence and fear sets in, day after day. We have the impression that criminals can act with impunity, that human life no longer has any value“, deplores a resident of Dschang, exasperated by this deadly spiral.

Faced with this alarming observation, questions arise. What does the police ? What means are actually put in place to ensure the safety of citizens? Questions that demand clear answers and, above all, strong actions from the authorities.

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