Cameroon: An agritech revolution driven by youth! – 2024-04-03 09:30:37

by times news cr

2024-04-03 09:30:37

The German foundation Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and the Cameroonian association « Save Our Agriculture« join forces to propel theyouth agricultural entrepreneurship in central Africa. A look back at a visionary workshop which brought together agripreneurs from 6 countries, determined to reinvent the agricultural sector using cutting-edge technologies. An initiative that brings hope in the face of the challenges of unemployment and poverty.

Agriculture, key to development in Africa 🔑

With 60% of its population aged under 25, theAfrica is the youngest continent in the world. A formidable pool of talent and energy, just waiting to be mobilized to transform agriculture, the continent’s largest employer (43% of jobs).

Faced with this observation, the KAS and “ Save Our Agriculture » have decided to join forces to unlock the potential of young agripreneurs. The objective? Give them the keys to innovate, undertake and create the agricultural success stories of tomorrow.

Young entrepreneurs who are overmotivated but face many obstacles 🚧

Despite their motivation, young agripreneurs face many challenges:

  • Limited access to financing 💸
  • Insufficient infrastructure 🏗️
  • A lack of information and market access 🤷‍♂️
  • The absence of clear economic models 📉

So many obstacles that slow down their progress and often lead to failure. To remedy this, the workshop organized by KAS and “ Save Our Agriculture » bet on a practical training and targeted support.

Workshops to boost skills and leadership 🚀

For several days, participants from Cameroon, Gabon, CAR, Congo, DRC and Chad worked on key themes:

  • Strategic leadership 👨‍💼
  • Agricultural policies 🌾
  • Legal frameworks for agripreneurship ⚖️
  • Innovation and digital technologies 💻

It is also an opportunity to exchange ideas among peers, share good practices and build pan-African networks. Enough to “create credible and efficient bridges between their different countries”, as underlines Flavien Kouatcha, member of the organizing committee.

Agritech at the heart of agricultural transformation 🌽📱

The true common thread of the workshop, technological innovation emerged as the main lever for transforming the agricultural sector. Mobile applications, drones, connected sensors, artificial intelligence… Agritech tools have the potential to revolutionize practices, optimize yields and create new economic models.

An observation shared by Anja Berretta, program manager at KAS: “ By providing the necessary support and resources, we can unlock the potential of young entrepreneurs to drive economic growth, create jobs and positively transform agriculture ».

Towards an ecosystem conducive to youth agripreneurship 🌳

Beyond training, the ambition of this initiative is to create a favorable environment to the emergence of a new generation of agripreneurs. This requires proactive public policies, adapted financing mechanisms, but also a change in outlook on the profession of farmer.

This is the whole meaning of the commitment of “ Save Our Agriculture“, which advocates for the promotion of sustainable and resilient agricultural practices. A vision shared by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MINADER) from Cameroon, who actively participated in the workshop.

The bet is audacious, but hopeful. By focusing on youth and technology, Africa has a trump card to play in meeting the challenges of food security, employment and sustainable development. An agricultural revolution is underway, and it will be digital and pan-African! 🌍🌱📱

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