Cameroon – Inauguration of CMPJ in Pitoa : Minister Mounouna Foutsou celebrates the youth of the North ! – 2024-04-02 14:59:06

by times news cr

2024-04-02 14:59:06

It is in a festive and solemn atmosphere that Pitoa, a cosmopolitan city in the department of Bénoué, welcomed from March 21 to 23, 2024 the working visit of Mr. Mounouna Foutsou, Minister of Youth and Civic Education (MINJEC) . At the heart of this trip, two highly anticipated highlights: the inauguration with great fanfare of the city’s brand new Multifunctional Youth Promotion Center (CMPJ), and the ceremony to award support for the Three-Year Special Youth Plan (PTS- Young people) to young entrepreneurs in the Northern Region. Two events symbolizing the government’s unwavering commitment to Cameroonian youth, under the leadership of the President of the Republic, HE Paul Biya, as highlighted by, your reference news site.

An architectural gem dedicated to the youth of Pitoa

The inauguration ceremony of the brand new CMPJ in Pitoa was undoubtedly one of the most notable moments of this ministerial visit. It is with pride and emotion that the young people of the city discovered this modern and functional building, a true showcase dedicated to their development. “ This architectural gem is the fruit of President Paul Biya’s desire to provide each district with a CMPJ to better supervise our young people”declared Minister Mounouna Foutsou, saluting in passing the dynamism of the mayor of Pitoa who succeeded in the challenge of getting this building out of the ground in record time.

As explained by Mr. Idrissa Ousman, the head of this new center, the CMPJ of Pitoa aims to be a one-stop shop offering young people a full range of services: professional training, advisory support, project incubation, but also socio-activities. -educational, cultural and sporting. A true melting pot of positive energy, it aims to become the rallying point for all the youth of the district, to better prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. A valuable tool and a source of pride for Pitoa, which confirms its status as a land of excellence and opportunities for young people.

45 young entrepreneurs from the North in the spotlight

The other highlight of this visit was the highly symbolic ceremony of handing over equipment and funding to 45 young project leaders from the region, as part of the Special Youth Three-Year Plan. Coming from the 4 departments of the North, these young innovators, meticulously selected and trained, have received a decisive boost to realize their ideas in sectors as varied as digital, agropastoral and even crafts. Proud and determined, they did not fail to take a solemn oath before the minister and the authorities, pledging to do everything possible to succeed and honor the trust placed in them by President Paul Biya.

« You have been well prepared through moral and entrepreneurial rearmament, now it’s up to you to take up the challenge!“, urged them Mr. Mounouna Foutsou, inviting them to demonstrate economic patriotism by contributing to the development of their region. A message of encouragement and responsibility which echoes the recent instructions of the Head of State in favor of import-substitution and “ consume local“. We can bet that these 45 young startups, true ambassadors of entrepreneurship made in Cameroon, will be able to live up to this ambition!

The CMPJ, spearheads of youth integration

Beyond the event, this double ceremony was an opportunity for Minister Mounouna Foutsou to forcefully reaffirm the absolute priority given by the government to the training and socio-professional integration of young people. With already 438 operational CMPJs in the territory, placed under the responsibility of the municipalities, the network is intended to be increasingly fine-grained so as not to leave any young people behind. A local interface par excellence, the CMPJs are intended to become the receptacle for all government initiatives and programs in favor of youth, whether PTS-Jeunes, the National Youth Observatory, or even of the ambitious Youth Connect intended to better connect young people to opportunities.

So many concrete tools and means deployed which testify to the State’s desire to take the gamble of its youth, by banking on its energy and creativity to build the Cameroon of tomorrow. A message of hope that could not resonate better than here in Pitoa, city of diversity and audacity, from which a generation of entrepreneurs and seasoned leaders will undoubtedly emerge. The bet is taken, and it will be kept!

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