Cameroon: Scandal at the port of Douala, the DG accused of colossal embezzlement! – 2024-04-18 15:39:52

by times news cr

2024-04-18 15:39:52

The Autonomous Port of Douala (PAD) is shaken by a new scandal of alleged embezzlement. According to the whistleblower’s explosive revelations Boris Bertolt relayed by, the General Director Cyrus Ngo’o would have spent no less than 2.5 billion FCFA in the rehabilitation of his official residence and the purchase of luxury furniture. Accusations which shed harsh light on the controversial management of the man nicknamed “the Sicilian of the PAD”.

A renovation at an astronomical cost

At the heart of the controversy, the rehabilitation of the DG’s residence, the cost of which would have literally exploded. Starting from an already generous initial market of 400 million FCFA, the final amount would have reached the dizzying sum of 2 billion, inflated by mysterious amendments.

« How can such a drift be justified? What work could be worth such a sum? There is clearly something rotten in the Port Kingdom., says an indignant agent who requested anonymity. An opacity which fuels all suspicions about the real use of these funds.

Furniture fit for a palace

But the mismanagement does not stop there. Still according to Boris Bertolt, Cyrus Ngo’o would also have spent no less than 500 million FCFA to furnish his new residence. An astronomical amount, especially since 100 million had already been spent to equip his previous official accommodation.

« 500 million pieces of furniture, but to equip how many villas? This is pure and simple theft, a shameless embezzlement of public money.”exclaims a trade unionist who has long denounced the controversial management of the PAD.

The castle of Messamena, symbol of a drift

And there is no shortage of questions about the real destination of all this luxury furniture. Many suspect that he would have actually taken the direction of Messamena, where the DG had a sumptuous castle built.

« Everyone knows that Cyrus Ngo’o is building a real fortress there. And guess with what money? That of the port, that of the Cameroonians! »accuses a resident of Douala, exasperated by these rumors of corruption.

The Sicilian of PAD, a nickname that says a lot

Because these latest accusations only reinforce the sulphurous reputation of Cyrus Ngo’o, already nicknamed « le Sicilia du PAD » for his practices considered mafia-like. Prosecuted in the context of the PORTSEC affair involving nearly 50 billion FCFA, he is regularly accused of taking control of the port’s resources.

“This guy believes he is untouchable, he loots with complete impunity. It’s a real octopus that extends its tentacles all over the PAD,” asserts a bitter former executive. An omnipotence that seems to defy laws and common sense.

It’s time for accountability!

Faced with these overwhelming revelations, the question of transparency and accountability arises more acutely than ever. Cameroonians, legitimate owners of this economic jewel that is the Port of Douala, are demanding accountability.

“We can no longer accept this wholesale looting, this indecent waste while the people suffer. Cyrus Ngo’o must explain himself, and quickly!“, urges a leader of civil society, voice of popular anger.

Because it is the management of the entire PAD that is being questioned today. How was such a drift possible? Which controls failed? What complicity allowed a man to help himself in this way from the tills, in defiance of all ethics?

These questions demand clear answers and strong actions. A thorough investigation must be carried out, and those responsible for these alleged embezzlements must be brought to justice. Because it is the very credibility of the State and its institutions that is at stake.

Cameroon can no longer tolerate these abuses, these abuses which jeopardize its development and fracture the social pact. The Port of Douala, the flagship of its economy, must be managed transparently and with integrity, serving the common good.

It is a categorical imperative to restore confidence and build the Cameroon of tomorrow. A Cameroon where leaders are accountable for their actions, where the general interest takes precedence over private appetites. The struggle has only just begun, but the people are already standing. And he will not be silent until the light is shed, and justice done. The Cyrus Ngo’o affair must mark a turning point. That of the end of impunity and the advent of a new era. Cameroon deserves it, Cameroonians demand it.

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