Cameroon: The wife of the mayor of Kouoptamo kidnapped by Ambazonians – 2024-04-06 06:28:37

by times news cr

2024-04-06 06:28:37

L’insecurity hits Cameroon again. Yesterday evening, in the town of Kouoptamo located on the border with the English-speaking regions in crisis, the mayor’s wife was kidnapped by an armed group claiming to be separatists. Ambazonians“. A shocking event that raises many questions about security in the region.

A kidnapping in the heart of the city, in full view of everyone

According to testimonies collected, the kidnappers acted in broad daylight, entering Kouoptamo around 5:30 p.m. Without hiding, heavily armed, they crossed the city to go directly to the mayor’s home.

On the spot, not finding the elected official, who was at the mosque, the armed men attacked his wife. Despite her denials, affirming that her husband was traveling, the “ Ambazonians » kidnapped her, before leaving as they came, without being worried.

Where were the police?

The modus operandi used by the kidnappers and the apparent lack of reaction from local security forces raise serious questions. How could an armed group act so openly without being intercepted?

When contacted, the gendarmerie did not wish to comment on the matter. But according to our information, no intervention was attempted to stop the criminals, either when they entered the city or when they fled with their hostage.

The mayor’s wife, a symbolic target

Beyond the trauma for the victim’s loved ones, this kidnapping has a political dimension. The wife of the mayor of Kouoptamo is none other than the younger sister of the superior chief of rural Foumbot, His Majesty Nji Kouotou Moubarack.

By attacking her, the kidnappers clearly wanted to deal a blow to local and traditional authorities. A strong and worrying symbol of the determination of the armed groups operating in the border area with the English-speaking regions.

What is the government doing to secure the populations?

Faced with this umpteenth act of violence attributed to separatist groups, the question of the protection of civilian populations arises acutely. Despite the government’s reassuring statements, it is clear that insecurity persists in the region.

It is urgent that concrete measures be taken to strengthen security and stop the action of armed gangs who terrorize residents. Otherwise the spiral of violence risks continuing to amplify, further weakening this already hard-hit area.

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