Cameroon – University of Yaounde I: Here is the stunning CV of the new rector, Professor Rémy Magloire Etoua – 2024-04-20 11:22:20

by times news cr

2024-04-20 11:22:20

The new Rector of the University of Yaoundé I, the Teacher. Rémy Magloire Dieudonné ETOUA, was installed in his new position, this Thursday, April 18, 2024, at 2 p.m., in lecture hall 700 of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the aforementioned university. It was during a ceremony chaired by the Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders, the Professor Jacques FAME NDONGO.

And in relation to this great event which opens a new era within » the mother of Cameroonian universities “, offers you the opportunity to discover in detail the academic and intellectual background of the new boss of the University of Yaoundé I, Prof. Rémy Magloire Dieudonné ETOUA.

Instead, read the subject of our investigations since his appointment by the President of the Republic on April 9, 2024.

Teacher. Remy Magloire Dieudonné ETOUA: Ph.D in Applied Mathematics obtained at the University of Montreal (Canada).
Full Professor of Universities Rector of the University of Yaoundé I (since April 9, 2024)

Previous positions: Rector of the University of Bertoua (June 3, 2022-April 9, 2024)

Director of the National Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Yaoundé I (June 2017-June 2022);

Coordinator of the African Center of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies (CETIC) of the University of Yaoundé I (September 2017-March 2020);

Head of Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences at ENSPY (since 2018);

Head of the Team responsible for the implementation of the Cameroon-Congo Inter-State University in Sangmélima (2014-2017);

Deputy Director of Diploma and Authentication at the Ministry of Higher Education (March 2013-August 2017).

Evolution in grades:
Full Professor of Universities: since November 25, 2020

Lecturer: 2015-2020

Lecturer: 2011-2015

Assistant : 2010-2011

Date and place of birth: February 7, 1968 in Biba Yevol (South region, Mvila department, Biwong-Bulu district)


Dynamic Systems Differential Equations and applications Bifurcations and applications
Mathematical Modeling
Population dynamics Mapple, Mathématica, Latex, Scientific calculations

2004 – 2008 Ph.D in Applied Mathematics University of Montreal (Canada) Thesis: Study of a generalized Gause model with prey harvest and generalized type III Holling function. Director: Prof. Christiane Rousseau (former President of the Mathematical Society of Canada). University of Montreal (Canada)2000 – 2002 DEA in Mathematics University of Yaoundé I Dissertation: Formal normal forms of formal vector fields and classification problem. 1997 – 1999 Master’s degree in Mathematics University of Yaoundé I Dissertation: The generic Bogdanov-Takens family. 1992 – 1996 Degree in Mathematics University of Yaoundé I

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCESHigher education: In Cameroon
(Since 2010)

Full Professor of Universities: since November 25, 2020

Lecturer: 2015-2020

Lecturer: 2011-2015
Assistant : 2010-2011

In Canada (2004-2008) Lecturer at the University of Montreal – Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Administrative responsibilities:

From June 2022 to April 2024: Rector of the University of Bertoua

From June 2017 to June 2022Director of the National Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Yaoundé I

March 2013 – August 2017 Deputy Director of Diploma and Authentication at the Ministry of Higher Education (Cameroon): In this role, he contributed to the implementation of the government policy of Higher Education in Cameroon Academic and digital educational governance:

From June 2022 to April 2024: Rector of the University of Bertoua

From June 2017 to June 2022: Director of the National Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Yaoundé I

From September 2017 to March 2020: Coordinator of the African Center of Excellence in Information and Communication Technologies (CETIC) of the University of Yaoundé I

Since 2018: Head of Department of Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique Yaoundé,

From February 2014 to June 2017: Member of the Team of Experts responsible for the implementation of the Cameroon-Congo Inter-State University in Sangmélima;

From 2015 to 2017Pedagogical Team Leader in charge of Mathematical Sciences and Applications to the Provisional Administrative and Academic Coordination of the ICT sector of the National Committee for steering and monitoring start-up activities of the Interstate University Cameroon-Congo in Sangmélima;

Rémy .Magloire .Etoua, Raoul.Domingo. Ayissi, René Essono, Eric Magloire Zangué, Minimax and Viscosity Solutions in For the Inhomogeneous Relativistic Vlasov Equation, Applied Mathematical Sciences, AMS 2020 Rémy .Magloire .Etoua, Constantin Tagne, Raoul.Domingo. Ayissi, René Essono, Global Existence of Renormalized Solutions For the Boltzmann Equation, A New Approach, Applied Mathematical Sciences, AMS 2020Remy.Magloire.Etoua, Raoul.Domingo. Ayissi, Aubin Nana Mbajoun, René Essono, The Magnetized Relativistic Boltzmann Equation With a Hard Potential, Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics, ASTP 2020.Etoua Remy Magloire, Jimbo Henri Claver, Ngongo Isidore Séraphin (2020), Predictive Modelling of the COVID-19 Epidemic in Cameroon with Innovative Models. Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics 5, No 3 (2020), 117-137.Etoua Remy Magloire, Jimbo Henri Claver, Ngongo Isidore Séraphin (2020), Time Series Modelling and Forecasting for a System of Credit and Debit in the Cameroon’s NSIF. Journal of Advances in Applied Mathematics 5, No 2 (2020), 41-56.Etoua Remy Magloire, Jimbo Henri Claver, Ngongo Isidore Séraphin (2019), Modelling Risk of Non-Repayment of Bank Credit by the Method of Scoring. Journal of Advanced Statistics, 4, No 4 (2019), 35-49.Etoua Remy Magloire, Ayissi Raoul Domingo, Koumbe Mbock (2019), Optimal Forms finding of Shallow Foundations Made Up of Four Foothills with Explicit Considerations of Structural Perturbations. International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Management Sciences, 4, No 3 (2019), 601-618.Etoua Remy Magloire, Koumbe Mbock (2019), Optimal Mass Design of 25 Bars Truss with Loading Conditions on Five Node Elements. International Journal of Mathematical Engineering and Management Sciences, 4, No 1 (2019), 1-16.Etoua, R.M.D&Ayissi, R.D (2017) – Optimal control problem and viscosity solutions for the Vlasov equation in Yang-Mills charged Bianchi models. Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 8, issue 2 (2017) 129-140;Ayissi, R.D&Etoua, R.M.D (2017) – Global exact and regular solutions of Einstein equations for a cloud of dust on Bianchi type I cosmological models. Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences (FJMS) 102, No7, (2017) 1489-1501Etoua,R.M.D & Ayissi, R.D (2015) – Global Dynamic of Einstein-Maxwell system for a perfectchargedrelativisticfluid in a Bianchi type I space-time.Global Journal of Pure and AppliedMathematics 11 (2015), 3863-3887.Etoua, R.M.D&Ayissi, R.D (2015) – Generalized perfect-fluid scalar-tensor theory field equations in a reformulated total Lagrangian formalism.Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 11 (2015), 3009-3034.Etoua, R.M.D&Ayissi, R.D (2015) -The Einstein-Maximally Coupled Massive Scalar Field System on a Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model.Advanced Studies in Theorical Physics 9 (2015) 535-543Etoua, R.M.D; Ayissi, R.D&Noutchegueme, N.(2015) – The Einstein-Boltzmann System for Weighted Sobolev Separable Spaces on Bianchi Type I Cosmological Models: Global Existence, Uniqueness and Regularity. Journal of Applied Physical Science International 4 (2015) 117-151Etoua, R.M.D; Ayissi, R.D;Noutchegueme, N. & al. (2015) – Viscosity Solutions for the One-Body Liouville Equation in Yang–Mills Charged Bianchi Models with Non-Zero Mass.Letters in Mathematical Physics 105 (2015), 1289-1299.Etoua, R.M.D (2011) – Étude des familles standard des déploiements du col nilpotent de codimension 2 et 3 dont l’axe des abscisses est invariant. Anales des Sciences Mathématiques du Québec (12/2011).Etoua, R.M.D (2010)-Étude d’un modèle de Gause généralisé avec récolte de proies et fonction de Holling type III généralisée. Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, Monographie/Microfiche-ISBN: 9780494556580Etoua, R.M.D & Rousseau, C. (2010) – Bifurcation Analysis of a Generalized Gause Model with Prey Harvesting and a Generalized Holling Response Function of Type III. J. Differential Equations, 249 (2010) 2316–2356


July 2012 (Orlando, Florida, USA) – The 9th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications – Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress. Presentation: “The study of the standard families of unfolding of the nilpotent saddle of codimension 2 and 3 whose x-axis is invariant.”(July 1, 2012); March 2012 (University of Yaoundé I) – Cameroon Mathematics Forum, Presentation: “On the class of biological systems with an invariant horizontal axis having a singular point of the nilpotent neck type” (March 21, 2012); July 2011 (Vancouver, BC, Canada) – 7th International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematics – Vancouver Convention Center . Presentation: “Generalized Gause Model with Prey Harvesting and a Generalized Holling Response Function of Type III” (July 19, 2011); May 2008 (CRM Montreal) – Singularities, Hamiltonian flows and gradients – June/July 2007 (CRM Montreal) – Algorithms advanced and numerical software for the analysis of bifurcation of dynamic systems; March 2007 (BIRS 07w5021) – Mathematical developments around Hilbert’s 16th problem – Banff International Research Station; 2004-2008 (Université de Montréal) – CRM Seminar on Nonlinear Analysis and Dynamic systems; May 2006 (Laval University in Quebec) – Pan-Quebec ISM conference for graduate students; 2000-2008 (University of Montreal) – Seminar for graduate students from the mathematics and statistics department; Presentation: “Hopf and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcations in a predator-prey model” (February 23, 2007)


American Mathematical Society (AMS)


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English: Read, write and speak

REFERENCES: Christiane ROUSSEAU, Full Professor of Universities (former President of the Mathematical Society of Canada) Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the University of Montreal (Canada)[email protected]

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