“Camille”, a powerful film about Camille Lepage, a young reporter-photographer killed in the Central African Republic

by time news

A former French colony, the Central African Republic or the Central African Republic, has had a turbulent history since its independence in 1960. Its culmination was the civil war that rocked the country in 2013-2014, as different factions continue to slaughter each other. In 2014, three journalists were killed by militias, including Camille Lepage, a 26-year-old French reporter-photographer.


Boris Lojkine signs a powerful second feature, starring Nina Meurisse in the role of Camille Lepage (The Aquatic Effect), Best Actress Award at the Angoulême Francophone Film Festival. The film also won the Audience Award at the Locarno Film Festival and the Screenplay Award at Namur. Well-deserved accolades.

In 2013, Camille, a young reporter-photographer, left the family fold to cover the civil war that was brewing in the Central African Republic. Landed in a country she does not know, she falls in love with the youth of this State and the drama that is being played out there, to the indifference of the international community. She will be confronted with the rivalries between militias which multiply the reciprocal massacres, and will become a collateral victim.

With CamilleBoris Lojkine, coming from the documentary (wandering souls, 2005), adheres to a cinema of truth. But here he plays more with the canons of war reporting than with those of a didactic film. Camera worn, the director puts himself in the conditions of an image reporter to capture the odyssey of his heroine. However, he does not act “in the manner of”, but opts for a real choice of staging, controlled and consistent with his subject.

Nina Meurisse carries at arm’s length Camille to which she offers a remarkable interpretation, translating her idealism, her ardor, and her devotion to a profession, which she assimilates to a mission. That of bringing to the eyes of the world what it refuses to see. Her relations with the few journalists on site are not insignificant: she is relegated to the rank of underling who cuts her teeth, receiving a minimum of help from them, but her colleagues recognize her when she has good sources.

Nina Meurisse in

The other actors, Western or Central African, are just as inhabited. They participate in the veracity of a fair film, devoid of any lyricism. It nonetheless touches the viewer deeply through Boris Lojkine’s mastery of his highly documented subject and his communicative empathy for Camille Lepage. Sober in its tragic outcome, the film has several levels of reading. History on the Central African Republic, documentary on the profession of war photographer, dramatic, as the tension continues to grow until its resolution. Shocking.

The poster of

Genre : Biopic / Drama
Director : Boris Lojkine
Actors : Nina Meurisse, Fiacre Bindala, Bruno Todeschini, Grégoire Colin, Augustin Legrand, Michael Zumstein, Onsnabee Zounoua, Abdouraouf Diallo

Pays : France / Central African Republic
Duration : 1h30
Exit : October 16, 2019
Distributer : Distribution Pyramid

Warning: scenes, comments or images may offend the sensibilities of viewers

Synopsis : A young photojournalist in love with ideals, Camille leaves for the Central African Republic to cover the civil war that is preparing. Very quickly, she became passionate about this country and its youth swept away by the turmoil. From now on, his destiny will be played out there.

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