Camilo Prince and Pablo González, showrunners of Hijacking of Flight 601, signed a creative agreement with Netflix

by time news

After the premiere of Hijacking of Flight 601Netflix reported that they formalized a creative alliance for the next three years with the showrunnersdirectors and scriptwriters of the series, Camilo Prince and Pablo González, to continue producing more television content premium with global standards, that highlights local talent and continues to consolidate Colombia as hub of production in the region.

“We will be exclusively with them for three years and we are very happy because Netflix has truly been our home that has allowed us to push the edge of what could be done. “They have believed in us and have let us grow and grow,” said Pablo González to PRODU.

This Colombian duo has worked on the creation of other Netflix productions such as Story of a crime: Colmenares y The theft of the centurywhere they have stood out for their meticulous approach and ability to capture the essence of each story they tackle and manage to capture audiences around the world.

“The idea in these three years is to be able to do even bigger, more ambitious things, that really continue to connect and entertain. For us it is something fundamental: we like to tell stories that entertain, that impact and that say something” added Camilo Prince.

In addition to showing their interest in making entertainment that explores current and relevant social and human issues, they also highlighted the objective of continuing to show Colombian talent in front of and behind the cameras. According to Prince, “we have great talent in every department. This is a profession that grows in doing and to the extent that one has opportunities to practice. “Really being able to continue doing things means that we can all continue growing together.”

González announced that they are in the process of exploring these new stories that they will tell on television, “which is a perfect space to develop our collaboration.”

With this creative agreement, Netflix highlights its commitment to working with talent and the Colombian entertainment industry, as well as continuing to bring local stories to the world.

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