campaign-books-line-metro-reading | Digital books will be delivered in public and stations of Line 1 of the Lima Metro | BELLS

by time news

2023-07-22 07:35:38

In order to continue promoting civic culture through reading, the “Reading on the Move in Lima” project began at Line 1 stations of the Lima Metro, and in other public spaces located throughout the capital city.

Lectura en Movimiento en Lima is a campaign to promote reading that aims to encourage reading habits and facilitate access to literature. The initiative includes the delivery of postcards with poetry, reading aloud and banners with QR codes that allow access to virtual libraries and download books for free, both for adults and children.

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This initiative is led by the (OEI), the Ministry of Culture of Peruand the with the support of various entities such as Line 1 of the Lima Metro, the National Library of Peru, the Bicentennial Library, the House of Peruvian Literature, the BBVA Foundation, Lima Lee, the European Union in Peru, EsSalud, the Urban Transport Authority for Lima and Callao (ATU), the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) and the Antonio Ruiz de Montoya University (UARM).

“From Line 1, we want to trace a cultural path in each of our passengers. Through the promotion of reading in children, youth and adults, we seek to adapt to the needs of today’s reader and thus build a solid and enriching culture. This initiative represents a journey towards cultural growth that we so badly need”, commented Edgar Ramírez, Customer Service Manager for Line 1 of the Lima Metro.

This initiative will take place at various points around Metropolitan Lima, including the Angamos, Cabitos and La Cultura stations of the Lima Metro, until August 6, from 10 am to 12 noon. In addition, it will have the support of various volunteers who will be easily identified, since they will carry bags and vests with the name of the campaign, together with the logos of the participating institutions, located next to banners.

You can find the campaign in these other points together with the support of volunteers:

Whisperers in the House of Peruvian Literature. Hospitals of EsSalud. In distances stations of the Metropolitano. Field of the International Book Fair – FIL Lima 2023.

On the other hand, during the inauguration event held on July 18 at the Ministry of Culture, the director of OEI Peru, Juan Carlos Ruiz, provided details about the initiative, expressed his gratitude to all the participating institutions involved and provided a detailed explanation about the IBERLECTURA project, a regional OEI program whose purpose is to support the public policies of the Ministries of Education and Culture of Ibero-America.

Likewise, the Vice Minister of Institutional Management of the Ministry of Education of Peru, Soraya Altabás Kajatt, shared: “This is our opportunity to make a difference, to sow the seeds of knowledge and critical thinking in our society. Let’s get to work, let’s unite in this beautiful mission of transforming lives through reading.

On the other hand, the Vice Minister of Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture of Peru, Haydee Rosas, explained: “Thanks to this beautiful campaign, we will be able to build a bridge towards reading, which will allow more children, youth and adults to continue dreaming, continue to grow and continue building a better Peru”.


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