Campaign command “My vote is worth” has already been sworn in in Falcón

by time news

The designated team will work together with allied political organizations under the premise of “My vote is valid.”

The affirmation “My vote counts” It is the slogan that the Popular Will party (VP) raised in Falcón to form the campaign command.

The objective is to add votes so that the candidate Juan Guaidó be the standard bearer of the unit that faces Nicolás Maduro in the presidential elections.

Among the reasons given why the electorate should support Guaidó’s option is the gallantry, fidelity, mettle, bravery and conviction that the leader demonstrated during his interim term.

The idea of ​​the meeting was also to consolidate the message of hope and strength necessary to agitate the militancy and supporters.

You can read: Swearing in of the Regional Primary Boards awaiting

As well as promoting the recovery of the value of the vote and the legitimization of democracy with the primaries process.

The activity had the participation of the municipal structures of Colina, Carirubana, Dabajuro, Los Taques and Miranda.

Photo/ New Day

Among the representatives of the national management who accompanied the ceremony were Jesus Israel Fernandez, Antonio Goncalves, Juan Carlos Michineli, Angel Torres and Hernan Vizcarrondo.

In addition to the representatives of the allied parties Emerging PeopleÁngel Medina, and Red Flag, Eulalio Rojas.

Support Strengthening Orange Force

The national link, Fernández explained to those present that Guaidó has three strengthened platforms.

The first, the orange party in its parochial, municipal and regional expressions.

The second is the so-called “Democratic Venezuela” that brings together 25 united political organizations.

And the third is “Todos por el cambio” a movement made up of independents, voluntary groups and non-governmental organizations.

“From now on we will not rest any day to publicize our plan for the country, people must know that he is the only one who has the conditions and qualities to win.”

Regarding the conditions, he pointed out that Guaidó has the support of world financial organizations to move the country forward.

For which he made reference to the World Bank, the Development Bank of Latin America and the Monetary Fund.

In addition to having diplomatic relations with other countries such as the United States, Canada and Europe to promote a transformation that leads to progress.

Fernández also said that Guaidó has the capacity to reach a consensus with the government.

“We must go to negotiate, that is why it is not about a campaign but about profiling the leader who will establish agreements with the government for the transition that the people want,” he emphasized.

In the same way, he stressed to the structures that the party does not seek to challenge, but to govern the country with a policy strengthened in unity.

Therefore, he affirmed that the route is to win-run-govern; win the primaries, run in the presidential elections and govern Venezuela.

And he maintained that this Friday, April 14, the drivers of change for Venezuela were sworn in.

Command “My vote is worth” sharpens your strategies

The regional coordinator of Voluntad Popular, Ricardo Apontethanked the task of the organization, planning and agitation of the electorate for the next October 22.

“We assume this task with great enthusiasm because we are already deployed in every corner of the Falconian territory, we know the realities and we carry the message of change, we know that the people will respond to their desire for a transformation of the country.”

He argued that the democratic struggle of VP has not bowed or negotiated constitutional rights, so now they withdraw with greater responsibility.

In such a way that he indicated that Popular Will has a robust and winning team that will work for every vote necessary for Falcón to deliver victory to Guaidó.

He also mentioned that whatever happens, the command “My vote is worth” will continue to carry the message of unity before the enemies of the primaries.

He explained that these actors are not only in the government, but also in some opposition groups.

Allies united by a single standard-bearer

For his part, Eulalio Rojas, regional coordinator of Red flag He added that the organization is going with everything to defeat Nicolás Maduro.

The designated team will work together with allied political organizations under the premise of
Photo/ New Day

He explained to those present that they must be aware that the fight is not only against ruling partybut against all public powers.

Therefore, they must be prepared to fight with the popular demonstration of the vote, with patriotism and unity.

“With democratic principles we fight for our rights in any scenario because our motivation is the country, the Venezuelans, those who migrated and so much political defiance,” he stated.

Prepared for a possible early election

The member of the VP national leadership, Jesús Fernández, indicated that the party is prepared to face any ruse from the government.

He said that in any scenario the militancy is ready to wage the electoral battle and achieve a victory for Venezuelan democracy.

In this sense, he expressed on behalf of the candidate Juan Guaidó that he will come to the Falcón state on a tour of several municipalities “very soon.”

The uncovering of corruption is a gang fight

For Aponte, the recent discoveries of acts of corruption by government emissaries are part of a fight between sides within the revolution that seek to share out the loot that belongs to Venezuelans.

“It is the largest looting of the nation in history, one can talk about 800 million dollars and now they want to take advantage of the circumstance to evade responsibility.”

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