Campania, non-urgent hospitalizations suspended from 10 January. “Guarantee beds to prevent the collapse of the regional health system”

by time news

In Campania i non-urgent hospital admissions they will be suspended from Monday. The decree number 1/2022 of 7 January provides for this, the same with which the governor Vincenzo De Luca has ordered the distance learning until the end of the month for elementary, middle and infant schools (and which the national government has announced it wants to challenge). “In order to allow a rapid optimization of the hospital organization to deal with this emergency, having recognized the need to ensure the availability of a more adequate number of beds both in the medical and surgical hospitalization to be dedicated to patients suffering from Covid-19“, The text begins,” the suspension, with effect from 10 January 2022 and until further express provision, of the scheduled hospitalizations both doctors and surgeons in public health structures establishing the possibility of carrying out only emergency hospitalizations not deferrable coming from the emergency room or for transfer from other hospitals, with the exception of hospitalizations for cancer patients, oncohematology, obstetrics, transplantation, as well as life-saving performance and those whose failure to provide may immediately affect the patient’s health and, therefore, non procrastinabili“.

Also foreseen is the suspension “of all outpatient specialist activities, in the same structures, which are not characterized by urgency or non-delay (outpatient activities for the services of oncology, oncohematology, dialysis and radiotherapy and oncological screening activities)”. Finally, “the personnel who are freed from ordinary management must be assigned to the activity of recovery e treatment of Covid patients“. In the ordinance, the Campania president justifies the choice to close schools autonomously (despite the law only permitting it in the red zone) with the “circumstances of awesome e extraordinary need due to the onset of outbreaks or the extremely high risk of spreading the Sars-CoV-2 virus or its variants in the school population “which, according to the decree-law of August 6, allow governors to arrange distance learning. “There is a need to avoid the collapse of the health system region, strongly under pressure, as proven by the suspension of multiple hospitalization and outpatient activities “, reads the motivations.

“Of concern”, in particular, “the data relating tooccupation from beds in intensive care and in the medical area, whose saturation has a probability of more than 50% in both areas in the next thirty days ”. The Regional Crisis Unit reported that “in the last two weeks, infections have increased considerably in the 0-44 age range and deaths are also on the rise. The Rt index is equal to 1,61, with the surveillance indicators that draw for Campania (…) an overall incidence of 1511 cases / 100 thousand inhabitants, and with a projection of more than double, with Rt equal to 2,25 for next week, with the consequent forecast of a huge increase in the impact on Covid hospitalizations “. “Each of the Campania Local Health Authorities”, De Luca still remembers, “has certified that it has received requests for support from the Municipalities and schools in view of the reopening of the schools scheduled for next 10 January, but to be in the impossibility of ensuring contact tracing and the screening prescribed (…) due to the enormous current pressure on the health organization, engaged in administering swabs to the contacts of positive subjects, in the management of quarantines and positive subjects up to negativization as well as in the continuation of the vaccination campaign “.

Against the order they presented precautionary appeal al Tar some parents of students who will not be able to go to school, assisted by the lawyers Giacomo Profeta and Luca Rubinacci. In order to decide on the application, the administrative judges asked the council to produce by 11am on Monday papers relating to the circumstances cited among the reasons in the provision: “For the purposes of the decision on the precautionary application as well as the preliminary investigation, the Campania Region must present the relevant acts e relevant on the basis of the contested ordinance, deducting anything else useful for the purposes of the decision “, writes the Tar. Against the postponement of the return to class were collected further 23 thousand companies in a few hours through a mobilization launched by the “No dad” committees. The regional councilor for education intervened to defend the choice of the governor Lucia Fortini: “Today it is unimaginable to go back to school, we need the dad. The provision is precisely for put a stop to the wheelie, we are not against school, but we make choices knowing the consequences. Other governors were also on De Luca’s wavelength but they did not, the defense of his idea deserves everyone’s respect for De Luca ”.

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