Campania, single regional distributor hub is born to manage logistics

by time news

2023-08-17 18:03:18

A unique ‘home’ for pharmaceutical distribution in Campania. Signed today, before the notary, the deed of incorporation of the consortium company for the management of the Hub which will take care of the logistics of drugs and medical devices throughout the Campania region, aimed at responding to a better rationalization of the service in the Region. Yesterday afternoon Federfarma Nazionale, Federfarma Campania, Assofarm Campania, Adf, Federfarma Servizi and Cef signed the memorandum of understanding that establishes the general terms for the establishment of the Consortium that will manage the Hub located at the Cef warehouse in Nola. Crescenzo Cinquegrana (of the Guacci company, an Adf associated company) is the president of the consortium company in which all the intermediate distributors operating in Campania participate, in proportion to the regional market shares.

“The role of our companies – says the president of Adf Walter Farris – is fundamental for the full and complete realization of territorial health care, we have proof of this today in the Campania Region. The results obtained are due to the approach and constant dialogue with the institutions regions to which we are grateful for having listened to and accepted the requests of the intermediate distribution operators, according to the winning model of sharing and cooperation, which we therefore count can always be followed also in the other Regions”.

“Our companies – adds the president of Federfarma Servizi, Antonello Mirone – were the first to accept Federfarma Campania’s invitation to create a regional hub aimed at optimizing the stocks of Apht products (territory hospital assistance) purchased by the Region and distributed under the ‘distribution on behalf’ regime and they had immediately identified the ideal location in the Cef warehouse located at Cis di Nola.In order to guarantee the best service in a region that is also geographically difficult such as Campania, the best solution was the establishment of Consortium with the involvement of all players in the Intermediate Distribution to offer Pharmacies and, therefore, the citizens of Campania the best opportunities in such a crucial sector as the dispensing of essential medicines”.

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