Camping: What applies to wild camping in Germany

by time news

Rout into nature, pitch your tent in a beautiful spot, look for happiness nearby instead of out in the wide world. A tempting idea, at least some vacationers think so. Many conservationists find selfishness at the expense of the environment. Wild camping is often not allowed in Germany – but this is often disregarded.

What is the legal situation for wild camping?

While in Scandinavia everyone is allowed to camp almost anywhere in the great outdoors, this is not allowed in this generous way in this country. However, the exact regulations differ from state to state.

In Baden-Württemberg, for example, you are not allowed to camp outdoors. In Schleswig-Holstein, on the other hand, one night is allowed, but not in the middle of the forest. This is almost always taboo. A single night is also tolerated in Brandenburg. The amount of fines also differs by country.

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If wild camping is not expressly permitted, it is probably prohibited, according to Swen Walentowski from the legal portal as a guide. This applies in any case to particularly beautiful places: “Wild camping is strictly prohibited in national parks.”

The same applies to nature reserves and many other protected natural areas – which often also include idyllic river banks that canoeists may find appealing as a night camp.

Canoeing is fun - but you should only set up camp at official campsites on the way

Canoeing is fun – but you should only set up camp at official campsites on the way

Source: dpa-tmn/Patrick Pleul

And there is something else to consider: Walentowski points out that around 50 percent of the freely accessible forest and meadow areas are privately owned. “If the forest path ends in a clearing, then it doesn’t have to be a public area, camping there is still forbidden.” Anyone pitching their tent behind a fence could even commit trespassing. Then there is the threat of a complaint.

Who can give me specific information?

Nature lovers are best advised to contact the environmental agency, the nature conservation agency or the local forestry office. The local tourist information offices also know the local rules.

What about bivouacking?

The legislature does not know sleeping in the open air without a tent. So is it a smart stopgap to avoid legal hassles? The question is whether bivouacking falls under the right of entry for the purpose of recreation.

“I tend to think that bivouacking is considered camping, even if the legislature didn’t think so,” is Swen Walentowski’s assessment.

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It depends on the individual case: If someone gets into an emergency situation in the mountains and can’t get off the mountain, then bivouacking is allowed. The situation is different when hikers consciously take a sleeping mat, sleeping bag and other equipment with them – just not a tent.

“That’s not possible,” judges Walentowski. Especially not in national parks. If in doubt, it is always worth asking the relevant state authority.

Do visitors follow the rules in the national park?

Many do not, at least there are enough to disturb nature. This is exemplified by the Saxon Switzerland National Park. There, the so-called Boofen – the free overnight stay – is only permitted in connection with the practice of climbing. There are a total of 58 places where climbers can sleep outside. The rangers of the park check these places and ask questions.

There’s just one catch: the rule that only allows climbers to stay overnight is difficult to enforce in practice, as Hanspeter Mayr reports. “Our rangers have already heard all the excuses,” says the head of public relations.

There are other problems too. “A lot of people don’t know where the boofs are,” says Mayr. “Anyone who sets off too late and arrives in the dark often cannot find the official boofs. Others come into their chosen boofe and find that it is full. If they can’t find anyone else, they lie down somewhere.” This causes disturbances throughout the national park.

How big is the problem in Germany?

In the national parks in Germany, wild campers and visitors who simply venture out into nature are a big problem. Between 2017 and 2019, between 20,000 and 35,000 people were counted in the Saxon Switzerland National Park who spent the night in the Boofen – whether legally or illegally. “That’s 80 people per night, one and a half hotels,” says Hanspeter Mayr. “And each of them goes to the toilet in the morning and in the evening.”

Above a certain number, the problem lies in the sheer number of visitors, explains Mayr. “It also has to do with social media. Nature is needed for self-portrayal.”

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Influencers lead their followers to supposedly lonely places that masses follow. Rules are disregarded, for example to get a great selfie – this is what happened in the Berchtesgaden National Park. Barriers were overcome there in order to get more impressive photos of the Königsbachfall. As a result, there were serious accidents.

Hanspeter Mayr expects 2021 to be just as bad as the previous one. “I’m grateful for every day the weather is bad,” he says – to protect nature.

Does careful bivouacking disturb the animals?

Hanspeter Mayr vigorously contradicts the widespread opinion that one only has to be careful and considerate enough in nature in order not to disturb the animal world: “When people say that they are not disturbing at all, then I have to say: Yes, it is is so because of the superior sensory abilities of many animal species.”

According to Mayr, the mere presence of humans can make certain animals decide for or against a habitat. An example is the peregrine falcon with its extreme visual performance.

“He avoids a nest site if it is too close to the hiking trail and people keep deviating from it. Owls, too, perceive human noises over much greater distances than we think possible, especially at night.” Other animals would smell food they had brought with them or the fabric softener in their clothes over long distances.

Conclusion: It is a fallacy to believe that if you just be quiet and take your rubbish with you, you won’t leave any traces in nature.

Does staying overnight in a mobile home or car help?

These vacationers also cause problems in sensitive natural areas such as the Elbe Sandstone Mountains. “There are no streams here because the water seeps away quickly,” explains Hanspeter Mayr. So people with a mobile home or their own car are drawn to the river, which is actually a top water body in Saxony in terms of water quality. Not last summer: “The foam crowns came towards us,” says Mayr.

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In any case, the legal situation is clear: in Germany, according to the ADAC, you can only spend the night with a camper outside of campsites or parking spaces in order to restore your ability to drive.

The single night should be limited to ten hours, camping chairs may not be set up. Anyone who violates this must expect a fine. The rules are particularly strict in protected natural areas.

Where can I pitch my tent?

In protected areas there are sometimes special nature camp or trekking sites where you can legally pitch your tent. There are some toilet houses and a small fireplace.

Such camp sites were designated in the Sauerland and in the Eifel, for example. There are several places available in the Black Forest from May to October. In Schleswig-Holstein they are called overnight places. It is important to find out about availability early on.

Hanspeter Mayr’s advice is to come to Saxon Switzerland anti-cyclically and avoid it on nice weekends and public holidays. “Anyone looking for relaxation and solitude is unlikely to find anything here this year.”

If you still want to come, you should follow the rules: no fire, no overnight stays, be considerate of animals and plants, and leave no rubbish behind. “So that we can all enjoy nature for as long as possible.”

This article was first published in May 2021.

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