Can abdominal pain be a symptom of internal bleeding? When not to ignore it

by time news

2023-05-17 17:30:22

Pain in the stomach is usually associated with minor problems, such as indigestion. However, when it occurs after an accident, it becomes a warning sign. We tell you if abdominal pain can be a symptom of internal bleeding and when not to ignore it.

The United States National Library of Medicine, describes abdominal pain as that discomfort that occurs in the area between the chest and the groin, which can come from any organ located in this area. Fortunately, most of the time it is not serious.

But, sometimes, it can indicate a serious problem requiring immediate medical attention, such as a internal bleeding.

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What is internal bleeding?

An internal hemorrhage, is that bleeding that occurs inside the bodywhen blood leaks from the blood vessels or some organ. However, one of the main problems is that it is not easy to see or diagnose.

according to Manual MSDthis can occur in the abdominal cavitychest cavity, digestive system or in the tissues that surround the large bones, such as the femur and pelvis.

What causes internal bleeding?

Accidents or injuries are one of the main causes of internal bleeding. For this reason, in the event of a pelvic abdominal, groin, neck or chest injury, it is key to seek care, since there is a greater risk of severe internal bleeding.

According to the site specialized Web MDthere are two main types of trauma that can cause internal bleeding: a blunt trauma, that is, when the body collides with something else, usually at high speed. For example, for a Car accidentfight or fall.

On the other side are the penetrating traumacaused by a foreign object entering the body and opening a hole in one or more blood vessels.

However, internal bleeding may also not be associated with injury. That is, to appear spontaneousFor example, as a result of the gastritis, inflammationcolon polyps, peptic ulceramong other conditions.

Unfortunately, the causes are not always clear, plus it can be difficult to find the source of the bleeding, which could be life-threatening.

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Is abdominal pain a symptom of internal bleeding?

He abdominal pain, which can be accompanied by swelling, it can be a symptom of internal bleeding, for example, due to trauma to the liver or spleen. However, the symptoms vary depending on the site of the bleeding.

Likewise, we must take into account that, on occasions, especially when it starts, this bleeding can no symptoms. Similarly, you may not feel pain if there are other injuries or if you are unconscious or confused.

Other symptoms of internal bleedingespecially in the abdominal area or chestare: chest pain, changes in skin color, difficulty breathing, bruises on the sides of the abdomen or around the navel, nausea, vomiting, among others.

However, the most serious is the risk of shock, which indicates that the bleeding is very intense and there is not enough blood to supply the entire body. The symptoms of shock are:

* Confusion or loss of mental clarity

* Cold, clammy and pale skin

* Dizziness or fainting after injury

* Low blood pressure

* Accelerated pulse

* Difficulty breathing

* Weakness

If a person is in shock, it is important to seek urgent help, because if left untreated and severe, it can lead to organ failure, coma and even death. death; Identifying and treating internal bleeding is essential.

For this reason, if you suffer an injury, it is better not to let it go and go to a medical check to rule out any internal problems.

And, in case of an accident or suspicion of internal bleeding, it is best to call 911 and, if the person shows symptoms of shock, lay them down with their legs elevated while help arrives… as long as there is no serious head injury, back or other area.

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When not to ignore abdominal pain?

not all abdominal pain is the consequence of a internal bleeding or a serious problem. Most of the time it is associated with minor problem. But if it is severe and is related to an accident or injury, is accompanied by pain or pressure in the chest, immediate help should be sought.

That’s right, you can suspect that this abdominal pain could be internal bleeding, if you had an accident or an injury, even if it seems minor. Especially if it is accompanied by shock symptoms or other alert symptoms. Same if you have one gastrointestinal condition It increases your risk of bleeding.

Finally, Mayo Clinic specialists reveal that, even if not associated with trauma, severe pain accompanied by fever, bloody stools, persistent nausea and vomiting, weight loss, yellow skin, tenderness, and abdominal swelling should be seen by a doctor immediately .

The reason is that they could hide a larger problem, such as a appendicitisperitonitis, abdominal obstruction, ruptured spleen, among others.

Although the abdominal pain It can have many causes, most of them mild, it is essential not to ignore it. In some cases, this discomfort could be the result of a internal bleeding, especially if you’ve had trauma or have a medical condition. Ignoring it could put your life at risk.

Discover in the following video which drinks can help you decrease abdominal pain.

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