Can Cistus Tea Help with Cold Symptoms? A Look at the Evidence and Expert Opinions

by time news

2023-10-23 17:00:03
Title: Study Finds Cistus Tea Shows Potential in Alleviating Cold Symptoms

Subtitle: Cistus Extract Demonstrates Promising Results in Fight Against Cold

Date: October 23, 2023

By: Juliane Gutmann

During the winter months, many individuals find themselves battling the common cold. While the body typically combats viruses on its own, there are ways to offer support to the immune system. Laying back comfortably on the sofa with a steaming cup of tea is a popular winter activity. However, the experience can be dampened by the presence of a cold. Cold weather creates favorable conditions for flu and cold viruses to thrive, leading to a weakened immune system. While there is no cure for viral infections, numerous products in pharmacies claim to alleviate symptoms. Recent tests conducted by Stiftung Warentest, however, have produced disappointing results.

For those who prefer home remedies, there is a wide range of options available to alleviate cold symptoms. From sweat cures and chamomile tea inhalation to cold baths and ginger decoctions, these natural remedies have been employed by many. Drinking fluids, in particular, plays a crucial role in combating colds. Tea is particularly recommended during the colder months as it warms the body from within and moistens the respiratory tract, aiding the body’s self-cleaning mechanism, according to herbal expert Karin Greiner.

Cistus tea, also known as rockrose tea, has gained popularity in recent years for its reputed healing effects on cold symptoms. The tea contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system, while the plant’s polyphenols are believed to have antibacterial properties. These secondary plant substances are also reported to bind heavy metals and aid in their elimination from the body, according to Cistus herb, available in dried and cut form, can be found in pharmacies.

A study conducted by the Institute for Transfusion Medicine at the Charité Berlin examined the effects of cistus extract on cold symptoms. Led by Ulrich Kalus, the research team discovered that cistus extract led to a significant decrease in subjective symptoms compared to a placebo. Additionally, inflammation levels were observed to decrease significantly in the cistus treatment group. The scientists attributed the positive outcomes to the plant’s polyphenols, which possess antiviral properties, including activity against the influenza virus.

However, the consumer advice center takes a more cautious stance, stating that there is currently insufficient evidence to support claims of cistus’ antiviral effect. While cell and animal studies have demonstrated the antiviral activity of polyphenols against bird and swine flu viruses, human studies remain controversial and do not adhere to the gold standard, according to the consumer advice center.

The content of active ingredients in cistus products is regarded as vital. The consumer advice center warns of potential interactions with medications due to the high polyphenol content in some cistus preparations. As a result, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before using high-dose cistus products.

It is important to note that this article provides general information on the topic and should not be considered a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Individuals with specific medical concerns should consult with a qualified healthcare provider.]
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