Can homeopaths issue prescriptions?

by time news
  • Homeopathy was created in 1976 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
  • This practice maintains that the cure for diseases is found in natural elements such as plants, alcohol or distilled water.
  • The Health Supplies Regulation establishes that there are only six professions that are endorsed to issue medical prescriptions. Are homeopaths among them?

Being a health professional is not easy because several years of study and training are required. With this in mind, all the knowledge acquired in the university has the objective of achieving the healing of the patients who come to the office. To obtain good results, there are medical prescriptions that only some people have the legal capacity to issue, but within this select group are homeopaths?

First of all it is necessary to start with the general terms. Homeopathy was created in 1796 by the Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Within its bases, it maintains that the cure for diseases is found in natural elements such as plants, alcohol or distilled water.

Despite the above, it is currently a topic that divides opinions among health professionals. Although some claim that it is a real alternative, others point out that it is a pseudoscience. Similarly, it is accused that homeopathic preparations are no more effective than placebos.

And to all this, can homeopaths issue medical prescriptions?

Beyond the position of each health professional, it is necessary to review the current legislation to offer an answer. With this in mind, the support is found in the Health Supplies Regulation (Articles 28-31). The official document mentions that there are only six professions that have this faculty and they are the following:

  • Doctors.
  • dental surgeons.
  • Veterinarians.
  • Interns in social service.
  • Registered nurses.
  • Homeopaths.

In this way, it can be seen that the law authorizes homeopaths to issue medical prescriptions. Regarding whether it is correct or not, it is different because each person has their own opinion of it.

How should medications be prescribed?

Regardless of whether it is a homeopath or not, current legislation establishes that in order to prescribe medicines correctly, the following must be met:

I. In the case of those included in the Catalog of Interchangeable Generic Medicines referred to in article 75 of this ordinance, you must write down the Generic Name and, if you wish, you can indicate the Distinctive Name of your preference.

II. In the case of those that are not included in the Catalog referred to in the previous section, it may indistinctly express the Distinctive Denomination or jointly the Generic and Distinctive Denominations.

When the Distinctive Name of the drug is stated in the prescription, its sale or supply must be precisely adjusted to this name and may only be substituted when expressly authorized by the person prescribing it.

The prescription in public institutions will be adjusted to what is indicated in each one of them, and in all cases only the generic names of the medicines included in the Basic Table of Supplies for the first level or in the Catalog of Supplies for the first level must be used. the second and third level. By exception, and with the corresponding authorization, other medications may be prescribed.

Also read:

For this doctor, Homeopathy Day is commemorated every April 10

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