Can my cell phone stop working? Understand

by time news

2023-09-23 20:01:00

With the current heat wave affecting Brazil — which will reach its peak this weekend — the most important instruction is to take care of your health. However, according to experts told G1, your attention should also be focused on another relevant direction: your cell phone.

For those in a hurry:

Extreme heat can, indeed, cause cell phones and other electronics to overheat; The chance of overheating is usually small, but can increase in cases of direct exposure to the sun; This can harm battery life and the operation of devices, which generally become very hot and slow down.

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How to take care of your cell phone in times of very high temperatures:

According to Marcos Amaral, professor of electrical engineering at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, and Angelo Sebastião Zanini, coordinator of the Computer Engineering course at Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia (IMT), in an interview with G1, in general, mobile phones can withstand up to 40ºC, passed This will affect the system and battery.

Therefore, to maintain the health of your smartphone you must:

Avoid rubberized covers — they concentrate heat even more; Do not leave your cell phone exposed to the sun — such as on beach chairs or in the car; Do not use the device while it is charging — a recommendation that applies whether it is hot or not, as in addition to overheating, there is a risk of electric shock and battery failure; Do not use counterfeit chargers — in addition to heating up the device, it can shorten the battery life.

It is worth noting that, in the case of overheating, it is recommended to close the applications you are using and keep the device locked and in a cool place. If the high remains, turn it off.

Remembering, of course, your health, Digital Look also prepared tips on how you should protect yourself during the current heat wave. Check it out here!

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