Can Ozempic Cause Muscle Pain? Top Doctors Weigh In on Side Effects and Muscle Loss

by time news

Title: The Connection Between Ozempic and Muscle Pain: What Doctors Say

Prescription weight-loss injectable drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy have gained immense popularity due to their effectiveness in helping people shed pounds quickly. However, alongside the success stories, concerns about side effects, especially muscle pain, have emerged. To delve deeper into this issue, we consulted top doctors who specialize in obesity and prescribe these medications. Here’s what they had to say.

Understanding How Ozempic Works:
Both Ozempic and Wegovy contain semaglutide as their active ingredient. When injected into the body, semaglutide stimulates insulin release to balance blood sugar levels and slows digestion, making users feel full for longer periods. Known as a GLP-1–stimulating drug, it mimics the hormones released by the gut to reduce appetite, ultimately leading to weight loss.

The Side Effects of Prescription Weight-Loss Shots:
The FDA, along with patients and researchers, has noted a range of side effects associated with these injectable drugs. Some of these include nausea, abdominal pain, constipation, rash, difficulty breathing or swallowing, pain at the injection site, rapid heartbeat, and loss of facial fat, colloquially known as “Ozempic face.” Additionally, some users have experienced kidney or gallbladder issues. It’s important to note that people with a history of thyroid cancer or pancreatitis should not take semaglutide.

Can Ozempic Cause Muscle Pain?
The FDA does not list muscle pain as a side effect of semaglutide. Doctors believe that it is essential to determine whether the reported muscle pain is related to a lack of exercise or another factor. While some users have reported muscle pain, one explanation could be discomfort at the injection site. Additionally, rapid weight loss can cause fatigue, aches, and pains.

The Concern: Ozempic and Muscle Loss:
Although there is no direct research connecting Ozempic to muscle pain, there is a legitimate concern about its association with muscle loss. A 2021 clinical trial on semaglutide found that around 40% of the weight lost by participants came from lean mass, including muscle tissue. This is worse than other rapid weight-loss approaches like fad diets and gastric bypass surgery. Doctors stress the importance of exercise, particularly strength training, to preserve muscle strength and mass.

Muscle Changes and the Elderly:
Muscle loss is particularly concerning for individuals over 50, as regaining muscle becomes more challenging with age. Women, especially post-menopause, experience a rapid decline in muscle mass. Women using Ozempic injections face an increased risk of weakened rotator cuff muscles, making strength training essential for preserving muscle strength.

Using Ozempic to Improve Muscle Health:
While there are concerns about muscle loss, doctors believe that when used correctly, Ozempic can improve muscle health. Weight-loss specialists advocate for proper diet and exercise to enhance muscle tissue and strength. High protein intake and strength-training exercises play a vital role in preserving muscle during the weight-loss journey, promoting overall health benefits and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

Tips to Protect Muscle During Weight Loss:
To prevent muscle loss during weight loss, doctors recommend three strategies: consuming adequate protein (around 30 grams per meal), distributing protein intake throughout the day, and considering vitamin D supplementation to support muscle-building. Additionally, engaging in weight training, resistance training, or activities like Tai Chi can help protect lean muscle mass.

While muscle pain is not listed as a side effect of Ozempic, some users have reported discomfort. The concern lies in the potential loss of muscle mass with rapid weight loss, which can be mitigated with proper diet, exercise, and awareness of muscle health. By preserving muscle, individuals can experience the benefits of weight loss while minimizing potential risks.

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