Can sepsis be prevented?

by time news

2023-09-13 08:56:15

Sepsis is a medical emergency, which 31 million people in the world suffer every year, and in which acting in time is key to avoiding a fatal outcome, but before it appears, can it be prevented?

prevent sepsis, disease for which today, September 13, is World Day, it is not an easy task and even if all precautions are taken to overcome it, it can happen. It is a disease resulting from a previous infection process, which the body is not able to combat adequately and a generalized inflammatory reaction occurs.

The extreme reaction of the body to an infection, caused by microorganisms, especially affects some vital organs such as the brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, among others, which are damaged, according to the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine (SEMI).

A poorly regulated response of the body

In this way, SEMI emphasizes, sepsis is not a disease in itself, but rather arises when a poorly regulated response of the body to an infection occurs that causes organic dysfunction and damages the tissues and organs themselves, putting the body at risk. life.

The most common infections that can trigger sepsis are those of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal and biliary tract, as well as those of the urinary system.

Of the 30 million people who are affected by sepsis each year, 9 million die. In fact, it is a pathology that produces one death every 3.5 seconds, according to the Spanish Society of Intensive Care Medicine and Coronary Units (Semicyuc).

Mortality varies between 15 and more than 50%.

In Spain, according to data cited by Semicyuc, there is significant variability in terms of incidence and mortality, although it is around 50,000 affected, of which around 17,000 fail to overcome it and die.

Those most susceptible to suffering from it

“With sepsis, there is an exaggerated body response of inflammation that affects the organs and, if not treated, can have fatal consequences,” he points out. In statements to EFEsalud, the supervisor of the Nursing area of ​​the Salamanca University Care Complex, Hector Gomez.

The supervisor of the Nursing area of ​​the Salamanca University Care Complex, Héctor Gómez. Photo provided

Gómez points out that there are people more susceptible than others to suffering from it, such as the chronically ill, the elderly, people with diabetes and the immunosuppressed, among others.

When asked if it is a pathology that is usually contracted in hospitals, the health worker assures that there is no reason. He explains that the people who are most susceptible to suffering from it are also those who require more hospital admissions than other patients, and sometimes suffer this process inside the hospital.

“You have to think that right now, of the main causes of death in the hospital, one is sepsis, if not the first already. So, many times what happens is that it is already diagnosed in the hospital, but it has started outside,” adds Gómez.

A “time-dependent” disease

To try to prevent sepsis, the people most susceptible to it have to try to control their disease and the essential thing is to avoid infections, something that is not easy.

“First, avoiding infections, proper hygiene with hand washing, carrying out the recommended vaccinations for each individual’s circumstances and the most susceptible patients, who are chronic or immunosuppressed, so that they have strict control of their disease,” Gómez details.

EFE/Ana Escobar

But also to prevent a fatal outcome of sepsis, the essential thing is to act quickly. In fact, Gómez points out that it is a “time-dependent” disease because the sooner it is treated, the less impact it will have on the patient’s health and the less likely there will be septic shock, which is the critical phase.

First symptoms

Hence, it is essential to detect the first symptoms to sound the alarm.

Gómez elaborates that these signs are in addition to fever, an increase in respiratory rate or difficulty breathing, sweating, drowsiness, confusion, altered consciousness, nausea or vomiting, among others.

The problem is that they are symptoms that may initially go unnoticed as they are confused with those of a normal infection. Hence, we must be more attentive to people who are more susceptible to sepsis.

Sepsis Code

To try to ensure that the patient is treated for sepsis as soon as possible and prevent fatal consequences, the Sepsis Code has existed for some time.

“It is not as much as if we said, the Stroke Code or the Heart Attack Code, which imply an activation of health professionals who are exclusively dedicated to it. This involves coordination between emergency care, primary care and hospital care for the detection of a suspected patient with sepsis,” Gómez emphasizes.

And the treatment so that the patient can overcome it, explains the health worker, involves the antibiotic therapy that is required and the specific symptoms that the patient has. Also the administration of liquids, although it all depends on the situation in which the patient finds himself.

#sepsis #prevented

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