Can we eat sweets coated with gold and silver? What do doctors say? Find out here

by time news

An average human body weighing 70 kg contains 0.2 mg of gold.

Many sweet shops are said to use aluminum foil instead of silver! People should be careful.

You may have eaten sweets that were plated with gold and silver. But are they safe to consume? When asked, experts have mixed opinions.

Many elements are found in the human body. This includes gold and silver. Yes, an average human body weight contains about 0.2 mg of gold. In this case, should we still eat it? Is there a need for it..?

We like to keep shiny, malleable metals like gold, platinum and silver. But are we hungry for it?

We are tempted to eat sweets with thin layers of gold leaf and silver. So, have you ever wondered why we should eat that tasteless metal?

Iron and copper add at least some flavor to foods, but do gold and silver add flavor? In fact, they are both tasteless.

Although they are not essential, they are said to help our body in many ways.

Importance of metals like gold and silver:

An average human body weighing 70 kg contains 0.2 mg of gold. “We may not eat it, but our bodies contain most of the elements from the periodic table; we make it from the food we eat.

For example, iron is necessary to bind oxygen in the blood, and its deficiency causes anemia. Gold and silver are not critical to body function, but they are essential, says Dr Krishna Murthy, a biochemistry researcher at the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB).

Can we eat sweets coated with gold and silver? What do doctors say?  Find out here  Eating Gold And Silver Good For Health Sweets Food

These metals have been found to play an important health role in maintaining our joints and facilitating the transmission of electrical signals throughout the body.

Both these metals come in various forms and are used in pharmaceutical industries for their medicinal value; Very small amounts of gold and its allied metals are used in the treatment of bone-related diseases because fractions of this metal cause gene activation, says Dr Krishna Murthy.

He says that as long as we eat the gold and silver sheets of sweets in moderation, it does no harm.

Taste of copper and iron

Both metals are tasteless but are added to decorate food. People may say that they can taste silver because the taste of silver is different with kaju kadli. But in reality it has no taste, the metal surface catches the cold and our tongue feels it. It’s not taste.

Copper and iron are tasteless, but iron produces a slightly sour taste.

People focus

The scary thing is that many sweet shops today are said to be using aluminum foil. It can adversely affect one’s health. So, people should be careful.

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