Can you go on a trip while on leave from work?

by time news

Waking up one day with a fever and congested can happen at the least expected moment, preventing us from carrying out common daily activities such as shopping or even not being able to work. Along these lines, a sick leave is a situation in which those “workers temporarily unable to work due to common or professional illness and accidentwhether or not it is work”, as explained by the Ministry of Labor and Social Economy.

During this time, the worker will be entitled to a temporary disability pension, that is, to an economic benefit that “covers the loss of income” of the latter when an illness or accident such as those previously mentioned occurs. However, this help is not forever, but from Social Security they explain that this right can be denied, canceled or suspended for various reasons:

  • Fraudulent conduct by the beneficiary to obtain or retain the benefit.
  • Salaried or self-employed.
  • rejection or abandonment of treatment without reasonable cause.
  • The beneficiary who did not attend a summons from the doctors attached to the National Institute of Social Security and the collaborating mutuals for an examination and a medical check-up will lead to the right being provisionally suspended pending verification of whether this was justified. The procedure to suspend the right and its effects will be determined by the regulations.

In this line, It can be seen that as far as travel is concerned, there is no specification in this regard that prohibits traveling in this period. So, can a person travel while on leave?

When asked if a worker can travel or not while on medical leave, this It will depend on the seriousness of the illness that caused the temporary inability to work.. In the event that a person suffers from depression, anxiety or even stress, a trip can be beneficial, contributing to the patient’s recovery. However, there are other cases such as an injury that prevents the worker from walking or a serious contagious infection in which a trip can delay this recovery, making it necessary not to make any trips that could worsen the patient’s health.

The most important thing in these cases is the speedy recovery of the worker, so all possible means must be used to make this happen. In addition, from the Mapfre blog they point out that “The patient can travel while on leave always at his own risk and in the assumption that it is not contraindicated by a medical professional”.

Despite the fact that it will be the responsibility of the worker, it is recommended to request an authorization from the doctor who is monitoring the ailment in question, and that he or she be sent to the medical inspection centers to change the appointments that may coincide during the days Travel. However, Mapfre recalls that Social Security “is not obliged” to skip appointments during this periodalthough said requirement may be made at least four business days in advance.

Likewise, even if the worker obtains that permit, this blog also explains that he must “commit to not carry out any activity that worsens your situationas well as to go to the summons established by the health center or the collaborating mutuals on the return “.

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