Can you smoke while driving the car?

by time news

2023-12-25 08:03:26

This deep-rooted habit can be dangerous for driving and punishable. We explain why you should avoid it.

World Engine

Journalist Specialized in Automotive at Motor Mundial

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Until now Smoking while driving is not prohibited a vehicle since the General Traffic Regulations do not specify in any of its articles the prohibition of smoking while driving, although it is true that an agent can sanction a driver in the case in which he considers that the fact of smoking is producing a distracting effect. in driving.

Statistics show that 30% of fatal accidents come from distractions driving in Spain, including using a mobile phone, eating or drinking while driving, manipulating the navigator or sound system and also smoking.

There is no doubt that keeping a cigarette in your hand is a clear risk for driving since lighting it up while driving at 100 km/h means a loss of concentration while driving for at least 4 seconds, which is equivalent to traveling 113 meters without control. total of the vehicle, as explained by the DGT.

For all these reasons, smoking while driving should be avoided due to the distractions it causes, although in reality this issue is not directly specified in the regulations.

Source: Motor Mundial magazine

What does the law say?

Currently, the Spanish Government is working very directly on a plan for the prevention and control of Smoking (plan 2022 – 2025), and within it it is intended to prohibit smoking inside vehicles, especially if children or women are traveling inside the vehicle. pregnant

At the moment, the General Traffic Regulations (RGC) do not specifically prohibit smoking while driving, although there are several articles that refer to the prohibition of handling objects (it can also be understood as having a cigarette in your hand or smoking).

Examples of these regulations are:

Article 3 of the RGC:You must drive with the necessary diligence and caution to avoid any damage, to your own or to others, taking care not to endanger both the driver himself and the other occupants of the vehicle and the rest of the road users. Negligent or reckless driving is strictly prohibited.”.

Article 18 of the RGC:The driver of a vehicle is obliged to maintain his own freedom of movement, the necessary field of vision and constant attention to driving, which guarantee his own safety, that of the rest of the vehicle’s occupants and that of other users of the vehicle. via. For these purposes, he must take special care to maintain the proper position and that it is maintained by the rest of the passengers, and the proper placement of the objects or animals transported so that there is no interference between the driver and any of them.”.

Source: Motor Mundial magazine

In no case is smoking in the car as such prohibited, although it is clear that if an officer sees that smoking is taking place and interprets this as a cause of distraction, he or she may be fined €200.

throw a cigarette butt

Some time ago the new Traffic Law included a specific penalty for throwing a cigarette butt out of the window, and it did so in the RGC in its article 6 with the following text: “it is prohibited to throw any object that may give rise to the production of fires or, in general, endanger road safety.”

The sanction currently provided for this type of action is €500 and the withdrawal of 6 points from the license, as it is considered a very serious offense.

Source: Motor Mundial magazine

Given the physical damage that tobacco undoubtedly causes to health and in accordance with the current anti-smoking campaign, it is advisable to avoid smoking while driving to reduce dangerous distractions and possible penalties. In the not too distant future, smoking while driving will probably become a prohibited activity.

What you can’t forget is to hire a MAPFRE Car Insurance to protect you and your vehicle.


Published by Motor Mundial

#smoke #driving #car

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