Can your job be done by artificial intelligence?

by time news

The company OpenAIcreator of the ChatGPT generative artificial intelligence, published a report listing several professions that could be most at risk of disappearing or that some of their tasks will be carried out from now on by this technology (and that they could complement them).

We evaluate occupations based on their correspondence with GP capabilitiesT, incorporating both human experience and GPT-4 classifications,” read a part of the research that was supported by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania.

The study is called GPTs are GPTs: An Early Look at the Labor Market Impact Potential of Large Language Models and it basically points out that roughly 80% of the US workforce could have at least 10% of their job tasks affected by the introduction of GPTs. It also indicates that 19% of workers could see at least 50% of their tasks affected.

Now, what are the areas that could be reeling from advances in generative artificial intelligence? According to OpenAI researchers, professions related to programming and writing skills would suffer a greater impactwhile those requiring scientific skills and critical thinking are less likely to be affected.

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To better understand: the study classified the tasks with the highest levels of exposure to these language models and the evaluation results were delivered from 0% to 100%, according to the percentage probability of risk.

A group of professions got 100%, that is, they may be more exposed to disappearing or that some of their tasks are carried out by an AI: here come the mathematicians; tax assessors; quantitative finance analysts, accountants and auditors; news analysts, reporters and journalists; writers and authors; and web interface designers.

From there, they are followed by interpreters and translators (76.5%), pollsters (75%), poets and creative writers (68.8%), animal scientists (66.7%) and public relations (66.7%). %).

“As such, the occupations listed are those in which we estimate that GPT and GPT-based software can save workers a significant amount of time to complete a large portion of your tasks, but it does not necessarily suggest that your tasks can be fully automated by these technologies,” the company clarified.

Uncertain future?

As can be seen, the field of Literature is part of those professions that would suffer a possible decline as a result of AI. Writers Ricardo Silva Romero and Alejandro Gaviria referred to those consequences that are already being talked about in one of the episodes of the Tercera Vuelta podcast.

How far can AI go? How far can they interbreed with human intelligence? the authors wondered.

Gaviria said: “I think that some of the books that I have written can be written by a robot, but, above all, autofiction, what I thought, childhood and memories it is very difficult for a robot to reproduce all that”.

Other elements that these technologies could not experience, added Romero, are the uncertainty, the emotional connections, the humor, the unease. See the real world to tell it. “One has the feeling that all this cannot be handled by a machine”said the author of How to lose everything.

To read more: Microsoft applies AI technology to its Excel, Word and Outlook programs

Regarding the future of financial analysts and accountants, David Ortiz, CEO of Grupo Siigo for Latin America, indicated that artificial intelligence is useful for professionals when automating some processes, helping them to be more precise and carry out purely operational tasks, but it can never replace the human capacities developed by accountants. He even said that in Colombia more than 80,000 accountants use this company’s technology to be more competitive in the market.

He also shared some reasons why this profession will not disappear: AI does not interpret information in the same way to make better decisions and advise businesses, has no ethics and will never have the innate ability to communicate. “For accountants, communication is very important when it comes to explaining results and understanding the needs of clients and colleagues.”

Among the basic and specific tasks that these artificial intelligences can partially replace are, for example, Simultaneous translation, summaries of non-technical topics, answering emails automatically, quickly contextualize about the state of the art of a particular scientific topic or calculate taxes. That means they could help with certain tasks, and this could even be a positive.

New professions?

Language models (LLM) such as ChatGPT allow you to automate complex tasks and significantly improve productivity, so you already there is talk of the emergence of a new discipline called “prompt engineering”which studies the most appropriate ways to provide instructions to language models to solve problems with a high degree of complexity, such as finding the murderer in a detective novel, up to giving malicious instructions to reveal confidential details such as advice on medical, legal or financial issues. .

What role can prompt engineering in the future? There are those who say that it is the job of tomorrowwhich will replace many knowledge-intensive professions, while other experts believe that the technological advancement of LLMs will eliminate the need for the prompt engineering, because the models will be smart enough to interpret complex instructions.

Robert Clarisó Viladrosa, professor of Computer Science, Multimedia and Telecommunications Studies at the Open University of Catalonia, said: “My personal intuition tells me that the prompt engineering it will never be 100% obsolete. My argument is unscientific: humans can solve a problem better or worse according to the instructions receivedso it is likely that an LLM will still be sensitive to the format of its inputs.

For his part, scientist Danny Gómez Ramírez, professor at the Pascual Bravo University Institution, explained another case: someone who does book summaries would become an expert in supervised handling of ChatGPT for book summaries. You’ll go from doing five in a day to 20, even if you haven’t read the books. It will ensure that the texts make logical sense.

“We could find specialized assistants in a certain area using, for example, ChatGPT, I see it as far away but it could be an option.” And he added: “In the particular case of mathematical investigations, creating theorems and doing mathematical proofs, ChatGPT still does not have the power to do that, there is a lot of speculation, it has many logical errors, the chat is not that good.”

Can do numbers: add, divide, find areasbut for a level of pure mathematics he does not have the capabilities, so “when he says that mathematicians are at 100% risk, I think there is a lot of speculation.”

Finally, Professor Gómez said that in about 15 years, perhaps artificial intelligences like ChatGPT could fulfill the role of a mathematician if other types of techniques and much more technology are integrated that allow it, for example, to show mathematical theorems in an innovative way.

In any case, throughout history, new professions have always appeared and disappeared. It is a cycle that is given according to the needs of the time. Consider, for example, that there was a time when, when telecommunications began, you had to call the operator and say, “Hello, do you communicate with that company?” Before 1878, when telephone operators began to exist, that trade did not exist, and when technology advanced, well, they were no longer needed and everything changed again.

So surely there will be professions that are going to disappear, others that are going to be modified, for others the chat will be very useful to help you with certain tasks and new ones will appear.

OpenAI also revealed that glass repairers, dishwashers, mechanics, bricklayers, and 30 other trades would not be threatened by this AI. So if you are a cook, bulldozer operator or carpenter, you can rest easy because you will have work for a while.


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