Canacar asks the Segob to release the blockade in Arco Norte – .

by time news

The National Chamber of Cargo Transportation (Canacar) asked the Secretary of the Interior, Luisa María Alcalde, to reach a prompt agreement with the ejidatarios who have blocked the highway section at kilometer 146 of the Bypass North Arc from Mexico City, in the Pachuca-Tulancingo sectionwhich has been affecting circulation for more than 48 hours.

The blockade due to the demand for land payments, keeps the circulation of private vehicles and the freight transportwhich makes it difficult to deliver goods and allow citizens to pass through.

“It is unsustainable for citizens and freight transport to remain in suspense and in constant uncertainty due to the recurring closure actions carried out by these local groups,” he said. Miguel Angel Martinez Millannational president of Canacar.

On August 8, after the blockades carried out by residents of the community of Santa Rita Tlahuapan on the Mexico-Puebla highway, Canacar reported that in just two days, the trucking industry reported losses of up to 10 billion pesos, not only economic losses, but also losses of merchandise and perishable products, in addition to other inconveniences for truck operators such as insecurity.

In this regard, Martinez Millan urged the Ministry of the Interior In an institutional document, the prompt release of the Pachuca-Tulancingo section north of the capital “is essential to avoid a repeat of what happened a few weeks ago, since the operators are in inappropriate conditions, being stranded in the middle of the road.”

He also stressed that this is a neuralgic point for the transport of goods towards the center and southeast of the country, where thousands of textile products, auto parts, electronics, food and beverages, as well as perishable cargo move on a daily basis.

The businessman expressed his confidence that federal and local authorities and all parties involved will reach an agreement so as not to affect the entire supply chain and citizens.

2024-09-05 10:05:20

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