Canada | Truck seized; Funding will be banned; Will Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau’s plan to suppress protests see results?

by time news
Shubhangi Sharma

On Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that his government had violated the “Freedom Convoy” of truck drivers in Canada and was enforcing the Emergency Act of 1988. This is the first time a Canadian Prime Minister has used the Emergency Act. There are reports that Trudeau has extensive plans to end the protests. The government is preparing to crack down on crowdfunding platforms and the use of cryptocurrency to raise funds for protests.

Truck drivers and other protesters across the country are protesting against vaccine policy directives and restrictions on Kovid in their businesses. They protest at parking 400 to 500 trucks in Ottawa. Meanwhile, protesters have blocked three borders to the United States. It is learned that the protesters are not in the mood to go back. Although Trudeau claims that he has no plans to send troops to end the protests and ‘illegal sanctions’, there are reports that armed police are arresting protesters and seizing their vehicles.

Trudeau threatens ‘democracy and civil liberties’

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) has strongly criticized Trudeau’s move to enforce the Emergency Act. The CCLA condemned his move and said the federal government had not met the required limits for enforcing the emergency law. “This law allows the government to bypass ordinary democratic processes. It threatens our democracy and civil liberties, “said CCLA.

Pierre Trudeau, the father of Justin Trudeau, was the last Canadian Prime Minister to exercise such powerful powers in 1970, when he enacted the War Measures Act, the forerunner of the Emergency Act. At the time, Quebec separatists had kidnapped a provincial cabinet minister and a British diplomat. Prior to this, the War Measures Act had only been implemented in Canada during World Wars I and II.

In fact, Canadian provinces such as Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec do not approve of the current measure. Alberta Premier said the emergency law was “unnecessary” and would have “reversal”. Other provinces are raising similar concerns that their powers could be abused and that there would be fundamental setbacks in their provinces.

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“I do not think the Emergency Act will help the current situation,” he said. There is a lot of pressure right now, “said the Quebec Premier. Meanwhile, the Ontario Premier agreed to a state of emergency to quell the protests.

Canada is considered a ‘fully democratic’ country. In addition, Canada is one of the top five democracies in the world. Trudeau had previously portrayed himself as a staunch defender of democratic rights, saying “Canada is always ready to defend the right to peaceful protest.” Now it’s all broken.

Inquiry into protesters’ fundraising

The Trudeau government is investigating their financial sources to end their support for the Freedom Fighters. Through the state of emergency, the federal government intends to freeze the personal and corporate bank accounts of protesters. The government can do that without a court order. The Trudeau government is reportedly planning to suspend protesters’ vehicle insurance for truckers. In addition, Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Christiana Freeland said the federal government was expanding its laws to regulate cryptocurrency transactions and crowdfunding platforms.

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Protesters have so far raised $ 18 million as the government tries to freeze bank accounts involved in the fundraiser. Earlier, the website of GiveSendGo, an American platform that rejected and rejected an Ontario court order to freeze funds raised by truckers, was subjected to a cyber attack, prompting online payments. Give Send Go had already raised $ 8.7 billion. Information leaked online, including the names, email addresses, zip codes and IP addresses of Canadian citizens who make payments, has become a major threat.

Earlier, the American platform GoFundMe froze funds for protesters and blocked more than $ 10 million in fundraising through the platform. This in turn has forced fundraisers and performers to turn to other possibilities, including crypto.

Game with fire

Although Trudeau may seem invincible and powerful in the face of almost peaceful protest, the number of those frustrated by this liberal leader is growing in Canada. While the current protests are about vaccine orders and other Kovid controls, it is safe to assume that public sentiment against the leadership of Liberal Prime Minister Trudeau will inevitably rise in order to adopt an approach that excludes a large section of the Canadian people. Protests will intensify in the coming months and change the face of Canadian politics.

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