Canadian Parliament celebrates Ukrainian veteran without mentioning his participation in Nazi 14th SS Division

by time news

2023-09-27 23:25:48

The Canadian Parliament celebrated a Ukrainian veteran “who fought against the Russians” by calling him a “Ukrainian hero and Canadian hero” without mentioning that he fought against the Russians as a member of the 14th SS Division. Below is Francesco Dall’Aglio’s comment:

When I learned that Zelensky was going to Canada, even though it hadn’t been announced previously, my first thought was “well, of course”, given the enormous importance that Ukrainian emigration to the country after 1945 had. for today’s Ukrainian nationalism (you can obviously imagine what kind of people emigrated to Canada in 1945, and what they did before that date).

And I also wondered, maliciously, if he would be able to avoid making a fool of himself to those people. And he succeeded, because he is not stupid at all, and in his speech to the Canadian Parliament he never spoke about the Second World War, only about the Holodomor (of the interpretation that Ukrainian nationalism makes of it, obviously, but only about that).

But the problem is always the foolish servants. A very foolish servant was Anthony Rota, who in his speech celebrating Zelensky (you can find everything here: , looking for his name because it is a very long document) drew the attention of the room to the almost centenarian Yaroslav Hunka, who lives in his electoral district and which he brought with him, presenting it with these words:

We have here in the chamber today a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians and continues to support the troops today even at his age of 98. His name is Yaroslav Hunka. I am very proud to say that he is from North Bay and from my riding of Nipissing—Timiskaming. He is a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service. Thank you“.

And this is the photo of Zelensky, his wife, Justin Trudeau and the whole Parliament, applauding Yaroslav Hunka,”Ukrainian hero and Canadian hero”World War II veteran who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians.”

And what unit did Hunka fight in, one wonders? In the first division of the Ukrainian national army, naturally, as also reported by the Associated Press, formed on March 17, 1945 and surrendered in Austria to the British and Americans on May 10. Okay, but what was his name first? It was called 14 Waffen-Grenadier-Division der SS or, if you prefer, 14 SS-Freiwilligen Division “Galizien”. The Canadian parliament stood to applaud a veteran of the 14th SS Division, called him a “Ukrainian hero and Canadian hero,” and thanked him “for his service.” This is what we have arrived at.

Francesco Dall’Aglio.

#Canadian #Parliament #celebrates #Ukrainian #veteran #mentioning #participation #Nazi #14th #Division

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