Canadian Prime Minister on Pope’s Apology

by time news

No one can forget what happened in boarding schools in the past. Let’s make sure that this doesn’t happen again in Canada – Prime Minister of Canada

Christopher Francis: The Vatican

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Governor Mary Simon have separately recorded their thoughts on Pope Francis’ apology and call for reconciliation and healing when he met the mothers in Maskwacîs, Alberta, for the tragedies inflicted by the Catholic Church of that time on Canada’s indigenous peoples. They are published on their web pages.

The Pope has apologized to former pupils of the schools for the abuses inflicted on indigenous boarding school students by many Christians at the time. More than 1,50,000 indigenous minors were separated from their parents and placed in boarding schools. Many of them faced severe violations of physical, mental, emotional, and sexual rights. The legacy of such a painful school system continues today. The Government of Canada will continue to support the healing and reconciliation efforts currently underway in the Catholic Church. Further, the Government will fully implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission programme. Reconciliation is the responsibility of all Canadians. No one can forget what happened in boarding schools in the past. We will make sure that this does not happen again in Canada. Together, let’s build a better future for Indigenous people and all Canadians, in the spirit of reconciliation and healing. Thus the Prime Minister of Canada has called the people of the country. We will do the same work in our communities.

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