Cancer Institute, NHSO, Rama, HSRI, signed an agreement to develop a policy laboratory for cancer.

by time news

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital The National Cancer Institute, NHSO, Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI) and Lookkhid Co., Ltd. signed an MOU to develop a policy laboratory to create a value-based healthcare system for cancer patients in Thailand.

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University National Cancer Institute The National Health Security Office (NHSO), Health Systems Research Institute (HSRI) and Lookkuk Co., Ltd. signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on the development of a policy laboratory to create a value-based health service system for cancer patients in Thailand on January 12, 2023, with Prof. Dr. Piyamit Srithara, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital as the chairman.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bowonsom Leeraphan, M.D. Lecturer at Chakri Naruebodindra Medical Institute Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Project Leader, Health Policy Laboratory, said Cancer is an important health problem and is becoming a burden on Thailand’s economy and society. The challenge for policy makers today is to adapt the health policy process to solve complex problems in a timely manner. One of the concepts used by many countries in their development is “Policy Laboratory” or Policy Lab as a space for policy innovation. tools are introduced Adopt new technologies or ways of working, such as system thinking and design thinking, to create collaborative processes between public, private and civil society. Open to an experimental design of integrated collective policies.

In this project, the concept of Value-Based Healthcare will be applied by looking at cancer patients as the center of policy design that is effective and able to effectively address the burden of cancer in Thai society. sustainable

Dr. Sakan Bunnag, director of the National Cancer Institute, said Cancer is the number 1 cause of death of Thai people for more than 20 years. Therefore, a new concept is needed to develop a care system for patients with this disease. Value-Based Healthcare is something that the Department of Medical and the Ministry of Public Health to focus on This project will be very helpful in creating new ideas. And will be an important input (input) in the preparation of the National Cancer Prevention and Control Plan for the year 2023-2027 that the National Cancer Institute will continue to prepare this year.

while Dr. Chadet Thammathatcha-aree, secretary-general of the NHSO, said The NHSO is an agency that oversees public health services and gives importance to the care of cancer patients. since cervical cancer vaccination various cancer screening tests Surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and end-of-life palliative care. to create a comprehensive cancer patient care system Including the development of additional benefits related to cancer prevention, such as screening for hepatitis viruses, which are the main cause of liver cancer, etc.

However, with medical technology changing rapidly and becoming more expensive, but public health budgets are limited. Having a policy laboratory to build a value-based healthcare system will help the NHSO make better policy decisions in caring for cancer patients. Especially in high prevalence cancers such as lung cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer.

Dr. Nopporn Chuenklin, Director of HSRI, said HSRI is ready to cooperate with both the public and private sectors in developing work. through research funding and collaboration In order to obtain empirical data that can be used to develop policy proposals that result in Value-Based Healthcare, there is an appropriate treatment access system covering essential treatments. Make a policy proposal based on the knowledge base of this project. will benefit all parties Patients have a good quality of life. Reduce the burden and cost of the hospital As well as being able to manage the finances of the country’s health system to be sustainable.

Ms. May Sripatanasakul, Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Look Kid Co., Ltd., said It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to work as a consultant in the process of policy innovation in this project. The company specializes in the design thinking process. which will work with the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi who specializes in systems thinking The integration of both Design thinking and System thinking should make the innovation development process of this laboratory even more perfect. and meet the needs of stakeholders in all sectors as much as possible.

Professor Piyamit Srithara, M.D., Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital

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