Cancers, Italians fear them more than any other disease

by time news

Tumors: Italians fear them more than any other disease, two out of three believe in prevention, but the pandemic reduces screening and vaccinations

More than a thousand women die every year from the cervical cancer. Every year in Italy there are more than 3,000 cases of cervical cancer caused by Papillomavirus. The cervical cancer it still represents a major cause of death for women. It is estimated that in 2020, 1,011 women died from this pathology. Cancers are the most feared diseases of all, both by parents (69.6%) and by women in particular (67.7%). Lower down are the fear of dementias (feared by 42.7% of parents and 47.7% of women), the fear of diseases that cause physical non-self-sufficiency (from 28.9% both among parents and women), the fear of cardiovascular diseases (respectively from 18.0% and 11.9%). This is what emerges from the new Report of the Censismade with the unconditional support of Msd Italypresented today on the occasion ofInternational Hpv Awareness Day, three years after a similar study. The research analyzes the perception of the risk of tumor from Hpv and the prevention strategies adopted through a survey conducted on two samples, one of parents and one of women.

Cancer of the cervix: prevention decreases due to Covid-19

69.1% of parents and 65.0% of women believe that cancers can be prevented. Among the prevention strategies, first of all i preventive medical and diagnostic checks (indicated by 79.9% of parents and 84.2% of women). But, due to the pandemic, the coverage of the screening cervicale among women between 25 and 64 years of age has suffered a decline: it went from 81.0% in 2019 to 77.3% in 2020. Due to the concentration of services on the fight against the pandemic, the operations of vaccination services: parents who received the active call for the anti-Hpv vaccination they decreased from 56.0% in 2019 to 43.3% in 2022.

Papilloma virus: more knowledge thanks to doctors, but many inaccuracies still circulate

In 2022, the number of parents who know what is increased Papillomavirus: they went from 85.1% in 2017 to 88.9%. Knowledge is more widespread among mothers (95.5%) and among people with a higher education level (94.0%). Even deeper knowledge of this virus improves: in 2019 only half of parents knew thatHpv it is responsible for other cancers in addition to that of the cervix, while in 2022 this awareness rose to 62.7%. The percentage of parents who know thatHpv is responsible for genital warts, but it is still on the rise, going from 42.6% in 2019 to 46.9% last year. For 24.8% of parents of both sexes (gradually decreasing compared to previous years) it is a virus that affects only women. Among the sources of information indicated by mothers (34.6%) and women (32.3%), the gynecologistwhile the family doctor it is more indicated by fathers (34.6%). 22.2% of both parents and women, on the other hand, indicate information materials (brochures, posters, awareness campaigns) and 20.2% websites. The lower the shares of those who indicate the vaccination service from the Asl (the share falls from 25.6% in 2019 to 18.0% in 2022) and the pediatrician (13,0%).

Papilloma virus and tumors: women prefer screenings

Pap test e Hpv-test these are the checks that women declared they had carried out the most in the last three years (62.9%). The Pap test is a well-established prevention tool, known by almost all women. Less known theHpv-test, more recently introduced, which still only 51.3% of parents know. 88.4% of women say their gynecologist recommended the Pap testwhile theHpv-test it was only recommended in 42.6% of cases. 57.3% of women were made aware of the importance of treating the infection by the specialist Hpv because it can cause the cervical cancer, while only 25.4% were advised to be vaccinated. Also to women who have reported at least one problem related toHpv vaccination was recommended in only 22.0% of cases. Of these, 71.6% said that if they came back, they would get vaccinated or vaccinated earlier against theHpv. Regarding prevention behaviors, 61.0% of both women and mothers state that they adopt preventive checks such as screening, examinations and visits even in the absence of symptoms. It is women of more mature age (between 46 and 55 years) who carry out more screening to prevent breast cancer (79.8%) and cervical cancer (67.3%). 51.5% of parents and 45.0% of women say they engage in healthy lifestyles, 39.0% in both cases say they resort to vaccination.

Papilloma virus: parents want to vaccinate their children grow

Parents who have decided to vaccinate against the Papillomavirus at least one child have increased over time, going from 33.3% in 2017 to 43.3% in 2019 (the 2017-2019 National Vaccine Prevention Plan has extended the free indication to males), up to 46.1% of today. The number of people interested in the anti-Hpv vaccination who have not yet vaccinated their children, which went from 25.4% to 28.1%, and at the same time there is a reduction in parents who say they are not interested in vaccination (they were 30.6% in 2017, they are 11 , 3% in 2022).

These are the main results of the research “Papillomavirus: fight against tumors. For a culture of prevention“which was presented today in Rome by Ketty VaccaroHead of the Welfare and Health Area of Censisand discussed by Adriana BonifacinoPresident Meet Donna Onlus, Saverio CinieriPresident Aiom, Giovanni GabuttiCoordinator of the Vaccines Working Group of Sites, Gianni RezzaDirector General of Health Prevention of Ministry of Health, Giovanni SwapsPresident agui, Carlo SignorelliPresident niday, Nicoletta LuppiChairman and Chief Executive Officer of Msd Italye Annalisa Manducajournalist and presenter Radio1 Rai e La7.

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