Candelaria needs the impulse of her youth

by time news

2023-10-14 19:46:03

How to motivate young people to remain in the vanguard organization of Cuban youth? What can be done so that the slogan of this eleventh congress, Create your happiness, becomes reality in every space where we interact? How much more can we contribute to the Candelaria that we have and dream of?

There were the questions that guided the debate of the 50 delegates to the 11th Congress Assembly of the UJC in the Candelariense municipality, the one with the fewest grassroots organizations in the province, only 53, but with an important weight in tourism, production food, research, teaching…

While Deibi Rodríguez, being secretary of the grassroots committee in the Héroes de Yaguajay primary school with a minimum of militants and an aging faculty, recognized the need to study José Martí more from the Martiano Youth Movement and together with the pioneers; Dalay Ferro, when directing the young people of the Soroa Orquideario, another organization with less than five members, contributed that they should make themselves felt more in environmental education in rural farms and surrounding schools.

Those who live, from their grassroots organizations in work or student centers, among residents of neighborhoods undergoing transformations agreed on the need to have more impact with their initiatives, and others shared how much more to do in their radius of action for energy savings, food sovereignty and healthy recreation.

That is, therefore, the organization that we want and can create, reasoned Yasier Reyes Zeruto, who led the delegates in a very bold and intelligent way, in order to find their strengths and do more for and for Candelaria, hence all will vote for him as Secretary of the UJC in the municipality.

Fran Tejeda Hernández, member of the Provincial Bureau of the Party, gave them some guidelines so as not to remain immobile, at a crucial moment in which Cuba needs the creativity and resistance of its young people; Meanwhile, Raudelis Salas Harteman, from the national communist youth bureau, more than giving operating recipes, invited them to be as profound and joyful as Fidel described them, to do and found, to motivate, convince and be examples.

Yoelvis Osorio Pereda, first secretary of the Party in Candelaria, spoke to them about challenges and trust, about spaces that we should not leave empty, about the individual contribution that will become collective in the way we unite, that in Creating your happiness, there is also a a more functional and dynamic organization, more inclusive and participatory, that falls in love and shares beyond the harshness of these times, the pride of being Cuban, and in the most particular, of being Artemiseños and Candelarienses.

#Candelaria #impulse #youth

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