Candidates with George Hatzimarkos are Irini Govatsou, Katerina Emmanouil, Maria Kambouri and Litsa Chiou from the Kalymnos PE

by time news

2023-08-05 13:11:32

The candidacy of four women, Irini Govatsou from Kalymnos, Katerina Emmanuel from Leros, Maria Kambouris from Astypalaia and Litsa Chios from Leipsos, alongside the Regional Governor of the South Aegean, Giorgos Hatzimarkos, is announced by the faction “Forward the South” Aegean” for the upcoming regional elections, in the Regional Unit of Kalymnos.

Mrs. Govatsou, Soloist and Piano teacher, artistic director at the Dodecanese Art School of Music, with a rich activity in the cultural events of Kalymnos, states in her statement, with which she announces her decision to travel with Giorgos Hatzimarkos:

“I decided to ally with the faction of Giorgos Hatzimarkos, because through his many years of work, his care and interest for our islands can be seen.


Mrs. Emmanuel from Leros, a kindergarten teacher, with many years of trade union and social activity, states in her statement, in which she announces her decision to march with Giorgos Hatzimarkos:

“For me, the struggle to solve the problems of our islands is an uninterrupted process that continues after the Parliamentary and Local Government elections in October.

With the same passion, with which I have traveled until today, always guided by my love for our islands and with more experience now, I join the side of Giorgos Chatzimarkos, in whose person, the ability and efficiency in the production of work, has found the its most genuine exponent.

It is a great honor to accompany the most successful Regional authority that our country has known in recent years and I promise to be worthy of the expectations of

my compatriots and to contribute in my turn to the enormous effort of Giorgos Hatzimarkos, to take the South Aegean, even further!”

Ms. Kambouri, a teacher of Secondary Education, with experience in Local Government and business activity in Astypalaia, states in her statement announcing her decision to go with Giorgos Chatzimarkos:

“Dedicated to the goal. This characterizes me as a human being and an active citizen. I want to offer. To the inhabitants of the Aegean, of our islands. Here where I was born, where I grew up and where I returned after my studies. To fight battles. To claim the quality of life we ​​deserve. The future we deserve!

As a new woman, I understand the problems young people face in the islands. The problems of teenagers with whom I communicate because of my profession, as an educator.

On the other hand, from the positions of responsibility that I have assumed as a self-governing body, I know the priorities regarding infrastructure, transport, development and the daily life of the residents, the opportunities we have and the ways to win the future we deserve !

I trust and support our Regional Governor Giorgos Chatzimarkos! For the positive results he has brought to the South Aegean that affect all of Greece, but also the way he handles demanding and difficult situations. For his strategy, methodicality, combativeness and composure.

I join forces with him to win the election battle and move #forward!

I have passion and ambition for this place. Ambition to develop more, to move forward, to make our islands models for living. Islands where living and working is a privilege. Our Aegean is a blessed place, with a deep tradition, special characteristics, for which one deserves to fight!”

Ms. Chiou, who is originally from Leipsos, beautician and beauty trainer, states in her statement announcing her decision to go with Giorgos Chatzimarkos:

“I met Mr. Hatzimarkos at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2011, throughout his career, beyond how he operates, creates, develops and has changed as regional governor of the entire South Aegean, I believe he is the most suitable person to be in this position!

Besides that, I got to know him as a person, in moments when we casually talked about our country, for which he has so many dreams and projects to implement.

He is an excellent, remarkable man, he has visions ahead, takes into account each island separately and its needs, and tries in the best possible way. This can be seen from the works he has done to date and this cannot be disputed!

That’s why I want to initially support Mr. Hatzimarkos, because I believe in him and especially in Lipsi, Patmos and Agathonisi as a representative of the Region and to do my best to move forward!!!”

Biography of Irene Govatsou

Irini Govatsou is a Soloist and Piano-Advanced Theory teacher. He graduated from the Nikiforio High School of Kalymnos. He studied at the National Conservatory of Athens from where he graduated with a Piano Diploma and a Fugue Degree.

She is active in the artistic field as a piano soloist and at the same time has been teaching in Kalymnos since 1994 and is the artistic director of the Dodecanese Art School of Music based in Rhodes.

He has made numerous appearances in Greece and abroad as well as collaborations with other artists in the field.

In 2008 he founded the ensemble pianovoce + with Anna Papagiannakis (mezzo soprano).

Until 2015, the ensemble’s concerts were held in Greece and abroad, while the program of performances included concerts and presentations of educational and musicologically oriented musical material.

He is the President of the Environmental & Cultural Association “Katouni-Linaria” as well as a Member of the Board of Directors. of the Lyceum of Greek Girls – Kalymnos Branch.

Biography of Katerina Emmanuel

Katerina Emmanuel grew up and lives in Leros.

He is a graduate of the Kindergarten Department of the University of the Aegean and the Department of Public Administration of Panteion University and holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Education.

She has been working as a Kindergarten Teacher since 2004 and in December 2022 she was appointed Refugee Education Coordinator. He is the Vice-President of the Association of Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers of Kalymnos District and a member of the Teaching Federation of Greece.

In 2014 she was elected Municipal Councilor of the Municipality of Leros. She has been the Director of the Kalymnos Hospital and in the National elections of May and June 2023 she was a candidate for Member of Parliament of Dodecanese, with the New Democracy.

He has been:

Municipal Councilor – Vice President of the Municipal Council (2014 – 2019)

Vice President of Primary and Secondary School Organizations of the Municipality of Leros (2014 – 2019)

Member of the Municipal Port Fund of Leros (09/12/2017 – 31/8/2019)

Vice President (2015-2017, 2017-2019 and 2022-present) and President (2019-2022) of the Kalymnos District Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers Association.

Deputy Iretos at PYSPE Dodecanese (01/01/2017 – 31/12/2018, 01/01/2019 –

31/12/2020 and 01/01/2023 – today)

Honorary member of the Greek Teaching Federation (2017 – present)

Member of the Economic Chamber of Greece – Dodecanese Branch

Biography of Maria Kambouri

Maria Kambouri is a philologist and teaches in schools in the Dodecanese. At the same time, he has a business activity on the island of Astypalea, where he comes from.

He has served as Deputy Mayor of Astypalaia (2014-2019).

He has delivered voluntary Greek language courses to non-speaking residents of the Municipality of Astypalaia, as part of the Municipality’s voluntary programs.

He studied at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Crete and completed postgraduate studies at the University of Piraeus, at the Department of Accounting and Auditing of Public Organizations and Enterprises.

Biography of Litsa Chios

Litsa Chiou was born in Adelaide, Australia to Greek parents and my mother’s origin is from the beautiful island of Leipsi.

In 1996 he studied beautician and since 2000 he lives permanently in Greece and specifically in Rhodes. Since 2004, she has maintained an Institute of Aesthetics and a KDBM School, where she is an instructor with many collaborations in IEK and public KEK schools, while she also has a commercial activity importing high quality products from Italy as a representative of the company in Greece and Cyprus.

He is a Member of the Dod/sou Chamber of Commerce and participates in Volunteering activities, mainly in regards to children.

#Candidates #George #Hatzimarkos #Irini #Govatsou #Katerina #Emmanouil #Maria #Kambouri #Litsa #Chiou #Kalymnos

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