The reigning champions CSK have got off to a shaky start in the 15th edition of the ongoing IPL in India. Jadeja was announced as the new captain as Dhoni stepped down as captain before the start of the series. With only two wins at the end of the first eight matches when Chennai were expected to perform better under his leadership, Jadeja again handed over the captaincy to Dhoni, claiming that the captaincy responsibility would put pressure on his game.
Due to that, Dhoni took over the captaincy again and led the Chennai team to a brilliant 3rd win against the Sunrisers. While Dhoni’s captaincy visit has made the fans very happy, it has become a very sad fact that the Chennai team players continue to miss catches.
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This is because the team that usually performs best on the field will always have the highest chances of success. But throughout the series the CSK team players have missed even the easiest catches that come in handy. Besides, Chennai is the team that has missed the most catches in the series. Chennai team has missed 19 catches in this series alone.
Especially in the match against Sunrisers, the Chennai team missed three simple catches. Due to this, Chennai team, which was supposed to get a big victory, finally won by a narrow margin of 13 runs. Former Chennai batsman Raina has given some advice to the Chennai team players as they are constantly missing catches.
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As he puts it: Even when I was playing the players in the Chennai team left out a few easy catches like this. So do not blame anyone in this place. The coach and management should not be expected in this regard as well. All I can say is one thing:
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All players must catch and train at least 200 times a day. Only if we take this exercise until we have full courage will we have the courage to catch when we are playing on the field. It is noteworthy that Raina said that such continuous catching practice can prevent such mistakes.