Can’t stand certain noises? You may have misophonia

by time news

If you react in an extreme way to noises that are everyday and normal for others, be careful: you could suffer misophonia.

It is a neurological disorder in which auditory stimuli are misinterpreted by the central nervous system, so that we are excessively disturbed by noises that do not imply any suffering for someone without misophonia.

The causes are a mystery and more details about the disorder have only been known since the 1990s, and it is believed that countless people have been able to suffer from this hypersensitivity before, as explained by the organization ‘Hear-it’, a portal specialized in hearing. .

A snap of fingers, a pen hitting a notebook repeatedly, the keyboard of a computer… everyday sounds without a special stridency that, however, a person suffering from this disorder can cause anger or anxiety and even desire to attack the person who is emitting the sound.

symptoms and treatment

“The symptoms of misophonia usually appear in late childhood, although they can start at any age. Typically, the reaction is triggered for the first time by a specific sound, and later, more triggering sounds are added to the list. Reactions to these triggers can vary, from avoidance to irritation, panic and even anger and aggression,” they explain from ‘Hear-it’.

Though there is no specific treatment for misophoniahearing experts recommend relaxation therapies that can take these people away from the suffering caused by certain noise.

The use of earplugs or noise-cancelling headphones can also alleviate the reaction to sound that often turns the day-to-day life of people with the disorder into a nightmare.


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