Capsaicin Treatment for Chronic Nasal Complaints: A Promising Solution

by time news

2023-06-23 11:41:09

Capsaicin treatment

People with chronic nasal complaints may be eligible for capsaicin treatment. So do I. It is a pepper extract, based on the hot part of the Spanish red pepper. The intention of such a treatment is that it reduces the sensitivity of your nasal mucosa – and therefore your complaints.

The treatment is fairly new and is only offered when other treatments have failed. Yet the stuff works for more than fifty percent of patients. That gives me confidence in a – virtually unknown – treatment.

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The treatment

At the beginning of May this year it will be that time. Early in the morning I report to the hospital. I go to the day ward, where I settle into the hospital bed. After the check I first get an anesthetic nasal spray from the nurse. This one should make me feel less of the hot peppers. It tickles, but that’s all I feel.

Then I walk to the other side of the hospital to get my first dose of peppers at the ENT doctor. Although I haven’t been that busy with it, I find it exciting. It doesn’t exactly sound like a nice feeling, peppers in your nose.

I am allowed to sit in a room where the doctor gives me the first dose. It looks like a ‘regular’ nasal spray, but nothing could be further from the truth. A very sharp substance flies into my cavities and the only thing I can think is: get it out (!). It feels like I have to sneeze really hard, but I can’t. It stings enormously, my eyes start to water and I have to cough. Within a minute I can go back to my room, where I get a new dose every hour. A burning sensation remains, but fortunately it is gone after five minutes.

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Second dose

I lay in bed for the rest of the day and watch the whole season in one go Queen Charlotte out on Netflix. And with a whole menu at my disposal – hospital food, but still – I am having a great time.

An hour later I get the second dose of anesthetic spray and the hot pepper stuff from the nurse. It feels like I have to sneeze super hard again, but it just won’t come. It also stings a lot, which makes it painful. This feeling shoots to my throat. But just like last time, it’s over again after five minutes.


In total I get this spray administered five times. The closer I get to five, the more annoying it gets. I know what kind of burning sensation awaits me and the feeling from the earlier dose is not completely gone. So it piles up. That’s why I’m starting to look up to it more and more.

Around three o’clock I get the last dose. Relieved, I walk to the ENT doctor for a final conversation. I hope I never get a spicy pepper up my nose again. Within five minutes I am outside again with the message that it will take about six weeks before I can notice anything.


We are now six weeks further and quite a bit has changed. The first few weeks I was especially short of breath and – especially during exercise – I felt I couldn’t breathe through my nose. In addition, I had to cough more than before. But gradually this feeling also subsided.

Now my complaints are not completely gone, but at least a lot less than before the treatment. In a way I suffer less from the hay fever. While everyone around me is teary-eyed, I have hardly any problems this year.

Yet sometimes people are still scared of me when I get my familiar coughing fit again. It is possible that my complaints will come back more like before, but then I can just go for a second round of peppers.

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#Jara #received #pepper #treatment #cold #Spicy #day

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