Car registrations are up 26% in Girona

by time news

Girona’s car market has started the year on a good foot and this is confirmed by the figures for the first three months of 2023. Girona recorded up to 994 registrations of tourists during the last month of Marchand 26,6% more than a year ago, when 785 cars were sold in the demarcation.

In addition, the province closes the first quarter with an increase higher than that recorded during the last month of March. During the first three months of the year, 2,905 passenger cars were registered in Girona, 31.3% more compared to the first quarter of 2022according to data from the Fecavem concessionaires’ board of directors.

In Catalonia, 10,723 registrations were registered in March, 35.7% more than a year ago, while in the first quarter of the year the increase in operations is 25.9% higher compared to 2022. By province, Barcelona has a year-on-year variation in the month of March of 33.3 %. In Lleida the year-on-year percentage is 56.8% and Tarragona is up 53.6%.

From the employer they assure that “we are well above our initial forecasts at the beginning of the year“, however, they note that “maintaining a growing trend is always positive, but we are far from pre-pandemic registrations”.

Through a letter, Fecavem reports that the production of European and national vehicles “is overcoming supply problems due to the lack of microchips”. In addition, they explain that to analyze the February data it is necessary to take into account “the proximity of Holy Week”, since “it has an important effect on registrations, especially in the rentacar channel and company fleets. We can conclude that Easter has been a repulsive dynamizer of the market this year.”

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