Carbohydrates and Weight Loss: How to Lose Pounds Effectively and Safely

by time news

2024-04-14 04:08:49

As a rule, people want to have as much of everything as possible. Things are different when it comes to the kilograms he carries around with him. Some people can easily leave. The pounds should fall off as much as possible.

The only question is how. There are countless diet options. And there are more and more. For example, the so-called low-carb diets, in which as few carbohydrates as possible are consumed. There are also the so-called weight loss injections, the detox patch or the weight loss pill.

Of course, in addition to exercise, how your body weight turns out depends primarily on your diet. It also depends on how many carbohydrates you consume. That’s what this text is about.

Carbohydrates: what does this mean?

As the AOK health magazine informs, carbohydrates, along with proteins and fats, are one of three main nutrient classes that form the basis of our diet. They provide energy for the body, primarily for the brain and muscles, which have high energy requirements.

Different carbohydrates can have very different effects in the body. They consist of different sugar building blocks. A distinction is made between short-chain and long-chain carbohydrates.

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) names simple sugars such as glucose, disaccharides such as lactose and multiple sugars such as starch as variants. Whole grain products, vegetables, fruit, legumes and potatoes are particularly recommended for consuming carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates: What is the daily requirement?

As the DGE explains when asked, the guideline values ​​for carbohydrate requirements take into account the individual energy needs, the need for protein and the guideline values ​​for fat intake. In general, the following applies: “A complete mixed diet should contain limited amounts of fat and more than 50 percent of the energy intake in the form of carbohydrates.” The following are the guidelines for carbohydrate intake by age group:

  • in infants at least 25 percent
  • in the first half of life with breast milk 45 percent
  • in the second half of life 47 percent
  • Children with a wholesome mixed diet 52 percent
  • Adults more than 50 percent, at least 25 percent

Carbohydrates: How much can you eat per day to lose weight?

When asked, the DGE emphasizes that at least 50 percent of the daily energy intake should consist of carbohydrates, with the quality of the carbohydrates being crucial. So it’s not just the quantities consumed that matter. What is particularly important is the nutritional quality of the food, which will be discussed in more detail later.

If weight loss is desired, the negative energy balance is important. In addition to the intake of carbohydrates, this is also determined by the other macronutrients protein and fat.

Under certain circumstances, the DGE considers it to be justifiable to fall below the guideline value for carbohydrates by more than 50 percent of the energy guideline value. This applies in the following cases:

  • An adequate supply of all essential nutrients (vitamins, minerals, certain polysaturated fatty acids) is ensured.
  • Cereal fiber makes up a significant proportion of the total fiber intake, and mainly whole grain products should be consumed.
  • There is no increased intake of saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids.
  • The additional protein consumption comes from plant foods and not from increased meat consumption, especially red meat.

Important to know: If the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet is reduced, there will inevitably be an increase in the fat and/or protein proportion. Meat and meat products in particular provide fat and protein. The DGE informs: “An increased intake of these foods is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, coronary heart disease and kidney disease and also increases the risk of colon cancer.” Regardless of this, risk groups such as patients with kidney disease must be given separate advice.

Carbohydrates and losing weight: What should you pay attention to when taking them?

According to the DGE, foods that are rich in polysaccharides including fiber are recommended carbohydrate carriers.

They have a number of health benefits:

  • are often rich in vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances and therefore represent the basis for a complete diet
  • The low fat content of these foods has a positive effect on the energy balance
  • High satiety value due to high fiber and water content prevents excessive energy intake, making it easier to maintain a normal body weight
  • A diet rich in fiber and especially the consumption of whole grain products reduce the risk of numerous diet-related diseases

Fiber helps to achieve or maintain normal weight. Because they encourage thorough chewing and thus extend the duration of meals. Compared to food eaten quickly, the feeling of satiety occurs sooner. After eating a diet rich in fiber, the feeling of fullness remains longer and less is eaten between actual meals.

As a result of the high consumption of confectionery, cakes or sugar-sweetened drinks, the daily diet contains large amounts of single or disaccharides. High sugar intake can have negative effects on health for various reasons.

Sugar is an “empty” energy source and does not contain any vitamins or minerals. In addition, people who like to eat sweets such as cake or chocolate often forego important foods such as milk, fruit or whole grain bread. In the long term, this can lead to an insufficient intake of other nutrients, especially in children and young adults.

At the same time, sweets such as chocolate, cream ice cream or cakes contain significant amounts of fat and can lead to too much energy being consumed quickly and body weight increasing in the long term. On top of that, the longer and more frequently teeth come into contact with sugar, the greater the risk of developing tooth decay.

Another problem is that the satiety effect of single and disaccharides only lasts for a short time. If large amounts of food are consumed outside of meals due to frequent feelings of hunger, this can have a long-term impact on the scales.

But the DGE also emphasizes: As long as the energy and nutrient balances are correct, eating something sweet every now and then is not in contradiction to a wholesome diet. It is therefore advisable to snack less on sweets, but to enjoy them consciously.

By the way: There are also limits when it comes to losing weight. Because you can only lose a certain number of kilos in a week or a month. Even breakfast can be crucial.

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