Cardiologists have been attacked: for two days they will not place a stent and will only go to emergencies

by time news

2024-08-27 18:03:00

After having warned recently about the economic crisis that the sector is going through, the cardiologists they will not bring out the character of stenting came angioplasty for two days throughout the country. However, they reported that only Emergency personnel will be in charge to “don’t let the critically ill die.”

The measure will be held this Wednesday, August 28 and Thursday, August 29, as confirmed by the Argentine Academy of Cardiologists (CACI) to this medium. As they explained, it is because of the critical time that the mind is facing due to “low prices and lack of inputs“, so they asked for an answer social work and PAMI and they requested the intervention of the Government to call for dialogue and resolve the conflict.

Cardiologists warn that stent placement is at risk

The authorities don’t like this

Professional and critical journalism is a cornerstone of democracy. That is the reason why he always annoys those who believe that they are the true riches.

“Cardiologists have decided to stop the transfer of stent and appreciation of angioplasties for two days, starting on August 28,” they said in a statement when confirming the suspension of these actions, where they described the situation as urgent and as “perfect storm“.

“This situation is already affecting social and paid services delay their delivery more and more in timewhich puts patients at greater risk due to delays in their treatment,” they noted.

As it happened during the coronavirus pandemic, experts expressed concern that “it can increased cardiovascular mortality because the current crisis leads inexorably to the collapse of the specialty, and although at this time the input is still availablecan’t be used because of the block” of this sector.

“This is a response to several factors, among which the gap between the cost of supplies, equipment maintenance, hospital and amount paid by investors which must be added that the income (income) of the psychologists continue to fall (corrective variable)“, indicates CACI.

In that sense, writing maintains that “with its actions every year in Argentina.” up to 200,000 lives are saved” and because of the severe crisis alternative conservation analysissuch as thrombolytics in the case of myocardial infarction.

They are expensive and ineffective drugsbut we must warn that health institutions must prepare for its implementation, with the worst factor that will still be. Then he will need angioplasties including placing a stent to complete the treatment,” they said.

Performance can be flexible

In May, the doctor Alfredo BravoThe Vice President of CACI, has advanced that it is “hard to get an application” Currently because “the international supplier companies do not like to sell to Argentina, since they don’t get what they want to get.” It also speaks a high rate of migration of professionals.

“For angioplasty with stent placement, in many places the fee does not reach $150, and it is a difficult procedure. The entrepreneur, that is, the social service or the payment that has already been paid that the action has to pay for, does not have the money to pay because the member’s contribution is not enough,” he commented in the statement to Modo Fontevecchia (NetTV).

In that sense, Bravo explained: “In Argentina we have adopted a more unified philosophy, where the City takes over everything. Now the State has no money and we are downincluding the problem of not having the resources or money to properly pay doctors who are difficult to train.”

“Many, when they have offers in other Latin countries, they go because they earn 5, 6 and even 10 times more that here, where the fees for these jobs is greatly devalued“. Beyond this factor, he emphasized that these services are included risk of paralysis because “if you are at the top and you don’t have the proper equipment, the problem is worse.”


#Cardiologists #attacked #days #place #stent #emergencies

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