Cardiology nurse specialist Astrid de Vries: ‘Cardiac rehabilitation makes the difference’

by time news
Cardiology nurse specialist Astrid de Vries 'Cardiac rehabilitation makes the difference'
Nursing specialist Astrid de Vries: ‘a tailor-made cardiac rehabilitation program for everyone’

Cardiology nurse specialist Astrid de Vries ‘Cardiac rehabilitation makes the difference’

Cardiac rehabilitation aids in recovery after treatment of a heart condition. Yet for many people it is not always clear what exactly cardiac rehabilitation entails. Time for a conversation with nurse specialist Astrid de Vries. ‘There is a tailor-made cardiac rehabilitation program for everyone.’

In any case, there is no ambiguity about the effects of cardiac rehabilitation. Research shows that participants in cardiac rehabilitation are up to 32% less likely to die prematurely. And also up to 50% less chance of recurrence of the heart problem. Patients who follow a cardiac rehabilitation program recover faster, have confidence in their own body, go back to work faster, are less anxious and experience a better mood.

10 things you should know about cardiac rehabilitation

Nursing specialist Astrid de Vries: ‘In my work as a nurse specialist at the Cardiology outpatient clinic I see patients with a heart condition. Many of these patients benefit from cardiac rehabilitation. Yet some are hesitant to participate. When questioned, their image of cardiac rehabilitation does not always match reality. Or they think their health insurance doesn’t cover it. That’s why we made an action poster “10 things you need to know about cardiac rehabilitation”. We will also soon be making a broadcast in which we provide additional explanations. That broadcast can be seen on our website from the end of September.’

Tailor-made rehabilitation program

‘What’s the most important thing to remember about cardiac rehabilitation? That we tailor a program for everyone to personal goals, wishes and preferences. For some, that means daring to exercise again or to build up fitness after heart surgery. For the other it means learning to deal with limitations and emotional recovery is in the foreground. In addition to recovering and picking up daily life, we can also help you take steps towards a healthier lifestyle. An unhealthy lifestyle is an important risk factor for the development of heart disease. It is good to know that our cardiac rehabilitation program also offers support to the relatives of the patient. A heart condition not only has a lot of impact on family members, they also play an important role in the recovery process and in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That is why they are very welcome in certain program components of cardiac rehabilitation.’

Specialists in the cardiac rehabilitation team

‘Because the goals of patients are very diverse, our team consists of all kinds of specialists from different disciplines. These are dietitians, physiotherapists, medical social workers, medical psychologists, cardiologists and nurse specialists. This way we can offer everyone the right support. The rehabilitation goals determine which specialist the patient will work with. If a request for help does not fit our offer, we help the patient to find this help outside the hospital.’


‘I am proud of our specialized team and the wide range within our cardiac rehabilitation program. This ranges from various exercise modules, educational modules to individual conversations with a psychologist or social worker. Or lifestyle support such as nutritional advice from a dietician or help with quitting smoking. There is simply a lot that can be done and patients really appreciate that. In addition, in Tergooi MC we continue to think along with patients to provide appropriate care. Do I have an example? We recently started offering telecardiac rehabilitation. Not every patient can come to the hospital for rehabilitation, for example due to work or due to a lack of transport or informal care. With telecardiac rehabilitation, the patient can now also follow certain programs from home and thus maintain contact with the cardiac rehabilitation team.’

Reimbursement by health insurers

‘What I would also like to emphasize is that cardiac rehabilitation is simply reimbursed from the basic insurance. That fee is there for nothing because the figures are convincing. Patients who recover with cardiac rehabilitation lower their risk of premature death and are much less likely to have their heart problem return. And that’s what we do it for!’

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