2024-09-27 13:36:53
In the Madrid headquarters of the European Parliament and within the framework of World Heart Day, September 29, scientists have called for the creation of a European heart health strategy that prioritizes prevention.
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This European guideline on cardiovascular health requested by cardiologists has been designed at a meeting of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC) and the Spanish Heart Foundation (FEC) held with health experts who are lead in the Spanish center of the European Parliament to reflect on the major health challenge caused by cardiovascular diseases, during the conference “For the Heart of Europe”, a meeting held in collaboration with Novartis.
More than 1.7 million people will die in 2021 in Europe from cardiovascular diseases, according to the latest data available from Eurostat. In Spain, according to INE, in 2022, these viruses account for 26.1 percent of all deaths.
Worldwide, deaths from cardiovascular diseases, according to the latest data, are close to 18 million deaths a year.
However, 80% of premature deaths from cardiovascular diseases can be prevented, according to the WHO.
In this sense, Dr. Andrés Íñiguez, President of the FEC, has expressed the need for change: “Faced with the classic model that focuses on the path and treatment of the disease, new strategies based on prevention must be prioritized, through education education and promoting health through healthy lifestyles from an early age.”
This is precisely one of the strong points of the Cardiovascular Health Policy of the National Health System (ESCAV) of Spain, in which its implementation is necessary to improve, say cardiologists.
Along with their impact on health, cardiovascular diseases have a significant economic impact. The EU economy has lost 210 billion euros due to the following processes: 53% according to health care costs, 26% to losses in productivity and 21% to the costs of information care for people who have cardiovascular disease.
The low prevalence of cardiovascular diseases in political communication
According to a study by Cardioalianza that analyzed the presence of cardiovascular diseases in the media and social networks, only 1.64% of political communication about health on these channels mentioned these pathologies last year.
Other health challenges have higher proportions: mental health, 4.97%; cancer, 4.62% and covid, 2.18 percent. Much of the political conversation about health is focused on the debate about contracts, new laws and the management of health services.
According to this Heart Health Hearing ReportWe observed a similar trend in publications in X from the Ministry of Health and the Health Departments of the Autonomous Regions, with 1.4% related to cardiovascular diseases.
In accordance with World Heart Day, September 29, Cardioalianza has launched the campaign #ActúaConEl♥️
In collaboration with the World Heart Federation (WHF), a global petition has been launched to collect one million signatures to prioritize heart health around the world with the aim of urging world leaders to take urgent action and adopt a strategic plan against to cardiovascular diseases that promote. heart healthy lifestyle and prioritize mental health as a basic right of the population.