Care for the false cypress

by time news

2023-04-19 12:30:21

The impressiveness of the false cypress is one of the reasons why we want to have it in the garden. In its youth, this plant demands rigorous attention. We will teach you to keep it.

False Cypress Care Guide: Plump and Brilliant

Last update: April 19, 2023

At first, it may be difficult, but once rooted, false cypress care is not very demanding. It does not mean that you will neglect the bush, but that you will lower the rigor that it demands in its youth a little.

In general, these trees are lovers of the sun, they withstand the cold, they defend themselves in the drought and they like slightly acidic soils. We will explain how to provide the conditions for leafy trees to thrive. Before that, let’s see what are the characteristics of this plant.

Is there a false cypress? How is this tree?

Yes, there is a false cypress and it belongs to the genus Chamaecyparis. It is a shrub with evergreen and textured leaves, possible to be found in tall and dwarf forms. The latter are used for hedges.

The foliage is cedar-like; its color ranges between green, yellow and blue-green or greyish ranges. The bark is deep brown.

Regarding size, they range from 2 to 20 meters; the height is determined by the variety. They are popular decorating patios at Christmas.

It resembles the cypress and hence its common name. These conifers have gained a place among ornamental plants, which is why it is common to see them in parks and domestic gardens.

Care guide that the false cypress needs

There are more than 70 kinds of false cypress, so the variety in size and shape is normal for these shrubs. There are pyramidal, dwarf, oval and globose, just to name a few.

In all cases, They need a series of care to preserve their volume and splendor. To this end, we share a simple guide on what the plant requires.

Give him enlightenment

The leafiness of this shrub responds to a great extent to its exposure to the sun. If you plan to plant a false cypress in your yard or garden, you need to locate it in full light to partial shade, especially the golden variety.

There is research on this topic. Magazine Forest Science and Technology reviewed in a study that when this kind of plant grows in optimal sunlight conditions and with appropriate fertilization, better quality evidence.

Protect it from strong winds

Although the false cypress resists low temperatures and strong winds, it is possible that these environmental conditions burn its foliage. Especially when they are young bushes. The recommendation to avoid damage is to isolate it with mulch on the ground and around it with a burlap wall.

Plant and transplant carefully in pots

You can grow false cypress in a container, but remember that some of these shrubs grow up to 20 meters. Make sure it is a dwarf variety (those that are close to 2 meters) before preferring small containers.

When it’s time to plant, select a container that gives the tree enough room to grow. If you will transplant the specimen, apply as a technique the inclination of the container to one side; Gently remove the cypress and take it to the new planter. The latter has to be prepared with nourished and drained soil.

Guarantee good soil

The Missouri Botanical Garden notes that the false cypress grows without problems in average soils, with good drainage and medium humidity. But his favorites are the wet ones.

The substrate has to be rich. You get it by adding humus and mixing gravel, sand and earth, since this favors drainage and there would be no waterlogging.

Offer him the necessary water

For its luxuriance, seeks deep hydration. This helps you to take root strongly. With the passing of the years he will no longer be so thirsty; then you moderate the irrigation to the dry seasons.

Attention with mushrooms

One of the diseases that could attack this tree is the “cypress canker”. The Coniferous Integrated Pest Management Guide explains that this infection is caused by a lethal pathogenic fungus for the cypress family.

Its effect is the deformation of the trunk, until the end of the plant. In seasons of greater humidity, such as autumn and spring, this is when these parasites tend to affect them the most.

The care required by the false cypress in these cases is limited to the supply of plant matter, such as maritime pine bark. This mulch, surrounding the foot of the tree, is useful in preventing canker. Some studies, such as the one published in the journal Forests, review the antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties of pine against certain types of fungi.

Extra fact: care for the false cypress tree to thrive from seeds or cuttings

If you prefer to sow from scratch and not buy a plant in the nursery, pay attention to this section. The Autonomous University of Hidalgo recommends that the false cypress is transplanted between April and May, provided that the procedure is by cutting. However, this method begins its preparation in autumn.

And it is that for these dates you must cut a piece of wood from the tree, about 4 inches long. You clean the foliage that it has, wet one end with water and moisten it in rooting hormone.

The next is sow it in a moist and drained soil, cover with a plastic bag and leave the plant in the sun until it takes root. When this happens, check that the roots show resistance when pulling on the cutting. This way you will know that the procedure worked.

If the planting is by seeds, soak them for a whole day in a jar with water. Take only the ones that sink to the bottom, wrap them in a paper towel, and store them in the fridge in a plastic bag.

It will take 2 months until you should sow them in a prepared soil. Seedlings take a year to sprout and during all this time they need partial shade; after that period, you begin to accustom them to the heat.

Planting the false cypress requires patience; It is not a plant that grows in a short time.

The false cypress care secret

The key to false cypress care is perennial maintenance. They do not require specific pruning, but an occasional cut is appropriate to shape and control the height.

A couple of times a year is adequate to prune. You can do it in any season, except the tip cut, which is recommended in autumn or spring.

The rest corresponds to the usual cleaning, such as removing dry foliage, opening the branches to see if there are damaged pieces inside, providing water and keeping your soil clean and nourished. So get gardening!

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