Carige-Bper, an ever closer wedding: the offer on the Fitd table is coming

by time news

Carige-Bper, wedding in the bank. Today the board of directors to present the offer to Fitd

The title of the Ligurian institute, Carige, travels against the trend a Piazza Affari, cashing in a plus sign, on the day the board of directors of Bperdriven by Piero Montani. Except for twists, today is in fact the day of the “showdown”: by tonight it should arrive on the table of Interbank Deposit Protection Fund (Fitd), the main shareholder of Banca Carige, the binding offer to purchase by Bper.

The match of the merger between the two institutes and therefore the hopefully definitive solution for the crisis of the group Carige it should really close in a matter of hours. In particular, in the middle of the session, the title of the Ligurian institute is in contrast with the price list and earns it 0,33% to 0.77 euros, close to the price of 0.80 euros for the eventual Opa that will launch Bper for the acquisition of the remaining 20%. Bper yields 5.9% to 1.93 euros while Piazza Affari is currently down by 3.5%.

the wedding in sight between the Ligurian institute and the popular Emilian should be based on the purchase of Carige at the symbolic cost of one euro, the launch of aTakeover bid at 80 cents of euro on the part of the capital not in the hands of Fitd equal to approximately 20% and a recapitalization of the Ligurian bank by the fund itself for 530 million. If the blow goes through, the Ligurian institute will become part of the industrial plan that should be presented “in May-June” by Bper. The merger will give life to a group that will be able to count on total assets of 209.3 million and loans to customers of over 119 million, direct deposits up to 150.8 million and almost 25,000 employees, distributed out of 2,604 branches.

The Genoese institute Banca Carige closed thefinancial year 2021 with net losses of 90 million euros, a marked decrease compared to the red for 279 million in 2020, “substantially in line with the closing target set in the budget”. results examined by the Board of Directors showed a year characterized by “an acceleration of the growth trend of the core components of the top line of revenues with interest margin and net commissions, totaling 381.6 million, both compared to the twelve months of 2020, an increase of 12.7%, both up 6.4% compared to the fourth quarter of 2020 “.

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